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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2005Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Library as Place DVD
Eleanor Pomeroy
Each year, the National Library of Medicine hosts a number of unique presentations, conferences and poster sessions illustrated with photos and slides, three-dimensional models, microscopic images, intricate charts and diagrams, television clips of other artwork. Because video recordings of the presentations typically do not isolate and enlarge these visual assets, much of their instructional value is lost. To avoid this dilemma, APDB designed a highly interactive, searchable DVD-ROM which captures all the essential elements of a multi-day conference on a single disc. Both visual and text search engines allow the user to go to any point in a multi-day conference. Multi-windowed templates further allow the user to simultaneously view a speaker in one window, enlarge accompanying visuals in a second and scroll through a thumbnail set of the entire presentations, select one slide and have both the video and "zoom" windows move to that exact point in the presentation. Most recently, APDB completed one of these programs for the NLM Conference, Library As Place. Over 10,000 copies were distributed worldwide. In 2005, APDB successfully ported the Library As Place DVD-ROM to a Flash format on the web, maintaining all the functionality of the original program. English language captioning of the conference's thirteen total hours of video is provided, together with interviews of the conference's poster presenters, plus biographies of all the presenters and interviews with several of them. Web links allow for continuing updating of new information.