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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2004Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Medical Fact Net, A Database of Non-Expert Medical Knowledge
Barry Smith, Ph.D.
Medical Fact Net (MFN) is a collaborative project of theUniversities of Buffalo and Princeton which will issue in a very largedatabase of statements representing the medical knowledge (and thus also themedical vocabulary) of non-expert human subjects. MFN will be associated with a rigorous formal architecture which will make the knowledge it contains easily extractable and usable as a supplement to existing databases of expert medical and biological knowledge and also to medical terminology systems such as the UMLS. MFN is a radical revision and extension of (especially the medical portions of) the already highly successful lexical database WordNet, which was constructed by the Princeton participants in this project. MFN is designed to have practical applications in telemedicine and in the construction of on-line query-answering systems for consumer health. It will also have theoretical applications, allowing new types of research in consumer health from the perspectives of both psychology and linguistics. It should also have implications, both theoretical and practical, for our understanding of the communication between medical experts and non-experts at the point of care.