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  • Clay, J.R., Pardarfar, D., & Forger, D.B. (2008) A simple modification of the Hodgkin and Huxley equations explains type 3 excitability in squid giant axons., J. Royal Society Interface 5, 1421-1428.
  • Paydarfar, D., Forger, D.B., & Clay, J.R. (2006) Noisy inputs and the induction of on-off switching behavior in a neuronal pacemaker, J. Neurophysiology 96, 3338-3348.
  • Clay, J.R. (2005) Axonal excitability revisited, Prog. Biophys. & Mol. Biology 88, 59-90.
  • Clay, J.R. (2003) On the persistent sodium ion current in squid giant axons, J. Neurophysiology 89, 640-644.
  • Clay, J.R (2003) A novel mechanism for irregular firing of a neuron in response to periodic stimulation: Irregularity in the absence of noise, . J. Computational Neurosci 15, 43-51.
  • Clay, J.R. and Shrier, A. (2002) Temperature dependence of bistability in squid giant axons with alkaline intracellular pH, J. Membrane Biology 187, 213-233.