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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

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Research Specialties

ADMINISTRAATIVE TECHICIAN Lab. of Clinical Genomics, PRAE Research Fellow
ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Research Fellow (VP)
Adjunct Investigator Laboratory of Clinical Genomics Research Felow
Adjunct Investigator (C) Lead Purchasing Agent Research Nurse
Adjunct Scientist Lead Secretary Research Nurse (C)
Adjunct Technician Mechanical Engineer Research Quality Coordinator
Adjunct Technician (C) Medical Doctor Research Sonographer
Adjunct Technician (NICHD) Medical Technician Research Sonographer (C)
Adjunt Scientist Nurse Practitioner Research Specialist
Administrative Assistant Nurse Practitioner (Research) Research fellow
Administrative Assistant-Contractor (CRL) Office Automation Assistant Researcher (C)
Administrative Assitant (C) Patient Care Specialist Secretary
Administrative Management Branch, DIR Physician (C) Secretrary (C)
Administrative Officer Post Bac IRTA Section on Developmental Genomics
Administrative Support Post Baccalaureate IRTA Section on Developmental Genomics, LCG
Administrative Support (C) Post Doc Section on Physical Biochemistry
Administrative Support Specialist lll Post Doctoral Fellow Senior Investigator
Administrative Support Specialist 111 Post doctoral Fellow Senior Investigator/Section Chief, SVGR
Administrative Support Specialist III Post-Doctoral Fellow Senior Resarch Assistant
Admistrative Support Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow Senior Research Assistant
Animal Facilities Manager PostDoc Fellow (Visiting Fellow) Senior Research Fellow
Animal Facility Vet Postbac IRTA Senior Research Fellow (VP)
Animal Health Technician Postbaccalaureate IRTA Senior Scientist
Assistant Professer Postbaccalaureate IRTA Fellow Spcial Volunteer
Assistant Professor Postdoc Fellow Special Volunteer
Assitant Professor Postdoc Fellow (Visiting Fellow) Special Volunteer (Student)
Associate Professer Postdoc Fellow(Visiting Fellow) Special Volunteer - Contractor
BEMB/NICHD/NIH Postdoc Visiting Fellow Special Voluntter
Biological Science Lab Technician Postdoctoral Fellow Special volunteer
Biological Science Laboratory Technician Postdoctoral Fellow (IRTA) Sr. Clinical Staff Specialist (CO)
Biologist Postdoctoral Fellow (VF) Staff Assistant
Chemist Postdoctoral Fellow (VP) Staff Clinican
Clinical Fellow Postdoctoral IRTA Staff Clinician
Clinical Protocol Coordinator Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow Staff Scientist
Collaborator Postdoctoral fellow Student
Contractor Pre-Visiting Fellow Student Volunteer
Data Base Entry Pre-doc Fellow Supp Visiting Fellow
Data Entry Pre-doctoral IRTA (Medical Student) Supplemental Fellow
Data Entry Specialist Pre-doctoral IRTA(Medical Student) Tech IRTA
Decentralized Aquatic Facility Manager Pre-doctoral Visiting Fellow Technical IRTA
Facilities Manager Predoctoral Fellow Tenure Track Investigator
Fellow Predoctoral Visiting Fellow Unit on Neuronal Connectivity
Fellow-Maternal Fetal Medicine Professor Visiting Fellow
Guest Researcher Program Assistant Visiting Fellow
HNT452 Program Management Officer Visiting Fellow (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Head, Unit on Biogical Computation Program Support Specialist Visiting Special Volunteer
IRTA Fellow Property Support (C) Volunteer
IT Contractor Protocol Coordinator Web designs
IT Specialist Purchasing Agent postdoctoral fellow
IT contractor Reseach Fellow (VP) research assistant (c)
IT with Wayne State Research Assistant research assistant C
Information Technology Research Assistant (C) research assistant c
Inventory Management Specialist Research Assistant C sample processer
Investigator Research Assitance software Developer
Investigator - Tenure Track Research Assitant
LGRD Research Associate