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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

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Section on Medical Neuroendocrinology

Head: Karel Pacak

The Section on Medical Neuroendocrinology, under the direction of Karel Pacak, has made significant contributions in the neuroendocrine area, particularly with respect to pheochromocytoma. The section used micro CT for early diagnosis of ectopic pheochromocytoma tumor in the liver of the nude mouse, a technique that can be applied to humans and would be an excellent way to diagnose early small metastases. In addition, members of the section noted that mutations of the SDHB gene are associated with one-half of all malignancies originating from extra-adrenal paragangliomas. The high frequency of SDHB germline mutations among patients with malignant disease, particularly when such disease originates from adrenal paraganglioma, may justify a high priority for SDHB germline mutation testing in such patients.  
