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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

For more, visit the Publications pages.

Section on Neurophysiology and Biophysics

Head: Mark Lee Mayer

Neurotransmitter-activated and voltage-sensitive ion channels are the major focus of study in this lab. We perform high resolution functional analysis using patch clamp recording and expression systems such as oocytes and cell lines transfected with cloned ion channel subunits. We use site directed mutagenesis and drugs as molecular probes to explore receptor mechanisms, allosteric interactions, and regulation by second messengers. Most recently we have begun using biochemical techniques to purify large quantities of receptors for structural studies and plan to expand this approach. Much of our work focuses on glutamate receptors. Current projects include analysis of a novel prokaryotic glutamate receptor linked to a potassium channel; mechanisms controlling permeation; allosteric regulation by drugs which modulate the gating of AMPA receptors; the action of spider and wasp toxins which block ion channel pores.
