National Cancer InstituteU.S. National Institutes of
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Ongoing Research

NCI Programs in Cancer Health Disparities Research

Cancer Disparities Research Partnership Program (CDRP)

The National Cancer Institute's Cooperative Planning Grant for Cancer Disparities Research Partnership Program issued by the Radiation Research Program is an effort to strengthen the national cancer program by developing models to reduce significant negative consequences of cancer disparities seen in certain U.S. populations. The Program supports the planning, development, and conduct of radiation oncology clinical trials in institutions that care for a disproportionate number of medically underserved, low-income, ethnic and minority populations but have not been traditionally involved in NCI-sponsored research. In addition, CDRP supports the planning, development, and implementation of nurturing partnerships between applicant institutions and committed and experienced institutions actively involved in NCI-sponsored cancer research.

Centers for Population Health & Health Disparities (CPHHD)

The Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities supports transdisciplinary multi-level, integrated research to elucidate the complex interactions of the social and physical environment, mediating behavioral factors, and biologic pathways that determine health and disease in populations, leading to an understanding and reduction of health disparities.

Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology Program (MBCCOP)

The Minority-Based CCOP will: 1) provide support for expanding clinical research in minority community settings; 2) bring the advantages of state-of-the-art treatment and cancer prevention and control research to minority individuals in their own communities; 3) increase the involvement of primary health care providers and other specialists in cancer prevention and control studies; 4) establish an operational base for extending cancer prevention and control and reducing cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality in minority populations; and 5) examine selected issues in Minority-Based CCOP performance (e.g., patient recruitment, accrual, eligibility).

Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership (MI/CCP)

Through planning activities dedicated to developing stable, long-term comprehensive partnerships that are mutually beneficial to MSIs and NCI Cancer Centers, the objectives of the Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership program are to increase the participation of MSIs in the nation's cancer research and research training enterprise, to increase the involvement and effectiveness of the Cancer Centers in research and research training and career development related to minorities, and to develop more effective research, education and outreach programs that will have an impact on minority populations.

NCI Cancer Centers

The Cancer Centers Program of the NCI supports major academic and research institutions throughout the United States to sustain broad based, coordinated, interdisciplinary programs in cancer research. These institutions are characterized by scientific excellence and capability to integrate a diversity of research approaches to focus on the problem of cancer. The NCI and its Cancer Centers Program are dedicated to the advancement of cancer research to ultimately impact on the reduction of cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality.

NCI CURE program to develop minority researchers

The CURE (Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences) philosophy of research training and career development builds on the success of the Research Supplement for Underrepresented Minorities and strategically addresses each level of the biomedical research and educational pipeline to:
A) increase the pool of underrepresented minority candidates;
B) emphasize scientific areas of greatest need; and
C) expand and extend the period of training and career development

Office of Cancer Survivorship

The Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) supports research examining the physiological, psychosocial, and economic sequelae of cancer and its treatment, and interventions that may ameliorate or prevent them. The majority of traditional research examining ethnic or minority differences in cancer survivorship outcomes has been limited largely to analyses of differences in cancer risk and survival (as opposed to survivorship), and efforts to extend these findings to address their impact on individuals living with this disease have begun only recently. A recent literature review by Aziz and Rowland (2002) identified 65 articles focused on the impact of cancer on ethnoculturally diverse and medically underserved survivors. The review concluded that socioeconomic and cultural variables that affect "adaptation to and survival from cancer" need to be recognized and addressed in future research studies.

NIH Programs in Health Disparities Research

Centers of Excellence in Partnerships for Community Outreach, Research on Health Disparities and Training (Project EXPORT)

The program aims to build research capacity at designated institutions enrolling a significant number of students from health disparity populations and to promote participation and training in biomedical and behavioral research among health disparity populations.