CRCHD e-bulletin


Happy Holidays from CRCHD!
As 2007 comes to a close, CRCHD thanks you for your dedication and service to overcoming cancer health disparities. Wishing you a peaceful, prosperous and joyful 2008! With all of us working together - conscious of the obligations we bear to each other and to the science - we can make this a constructive year that moves us closer to reducing the burden of cancer for all people.

CRCHD Announcements

Health Scientist Administrator Position in Diversity Training

CRCHD is seeking a talented, knowledgeable, and motivated individual to serve as chief of the Diversity Training Branch. The successful candidate will lead NCI's efforts in the training of the next generation of competitive researchers in cancer and cancer health disparities research. Open Period: Thursday, November 29, 2007 to Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cancer News from NCI, NIH, and other Federal Agencies

From NCI

Cancer Institute Updates Risk Calculator

This interactive tool designed by scientists at the NCI and the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NBSABP), the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool will soon be updated with new, more accurate risk information for African American/Black women.

See Full Article