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  • Hanna M, Blackstone C (InPress) Interaction of the SPG21 protein ACP33/maspardin with the aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH16A1, Neurogenetics.
  • Loucks FA, Schroeder EK, Zommer AE, Hilger S, Kelsey NA, Bouchard RJ, Blackstone C, Brewster JL, Linseman DA (2009) Caspases indirectly regulate cleavage of the mitochondrial fusion GTPase OPA1 in neurons undergoing apoptosis, Brain Res 1250, 63-74. Full Text/Abstract
  • Rismanchi R, Puertollano R, Blackstone C (2009) STAM Adaptor Proteins Interact with COPII Complexes and Function in ER-to-Golgi Trafficking, Traffic 10, 201-217. Full Text/Abstract
  • Cereghetti GM, Stangherlin A, Martins de Brito O, Chang CR, Blackstone C, Bernardi P, Scorrano L (2008) Dephosphorylation by calcineurin regulates translocation of Drp1 to mitochondria, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105, 15803-15808.
  • Guillery O, Malka F, Landes T, Guillou E, Blackstone C, Lombes A, Belenguer P, Arnoult D, Rojo M (2008) Metalloprotease-mediated OPA1 processing is modulated by the mitochondrial membrane potential, Biol Cell 100, 315-325. Full Text/Abstract
  • Rismanchi N, Soderblom C, Stadler J, Zhu P-P, Blackstone C (2008) Atlastin GTPases are required for Golgi apparatus and ER morphogenesis, Hum Molec Genet 17, 1591-1604. Full Text/Abstract
  • Bakowska JC, Wang H, Xin B, Sumner CJ, Blackstone C (2008) Loss of spartin protein in Troyer syndrome: a loss-of-function disease mechanism?, Arch Neurol 65, 520-524. Full Text/Abstract
  • Yang D, Rismanchi N, Renvoise B, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Blackstone C, Hurley JH (2008) Structural basis for midbody targeting of spastin by the ESCRT-III protein CHMP1B, Nat Struct Mol Biol 15, 1278-1286. Full Text/Abstract
  • Chang C-R, Blackstone C (2007) Drp1 phosphorylation and mitochondrial regulation, EMBO Rep 8, 1088-1089. Full Text/Abstract
  • Rismanchi N, Blackstone C (2007) Mitochondrial function and dysfunction in the nervous system, Molecular Neurology (S. Waxman, ed.) , 29-41.
  • Meijer IA, Dion P, Laurent S, Dupre N, Brais B, Levert A, Puymirat J, Rioux MF, Sylvain M, Zhu P-P, Soderblom C, Stadler J, Blackstone C, Rouleau GA (2007) Characterization of a novel SPG3A deletion in a French-Canadian family, Ann Neurol 61, 599-603. Full Text/Abstract
  • Papapetropoulos S, Friedman J, Blackstone C, Kleiner G, Bowen BC, Singer C (2007) A progressive, fatal dystonia-parkinsonism syndrome in a patient with primary immunodeficiency receiving chronic IVIG therapy, Mov Disord 22, 1664-1666. Full Text/Abstract
  • Bakowska J, Jupille H, Fatheddin P, Puertollano R, Blackstone C (2007) Troyer syndrome protein spartin is mono-ubiquitinated and functions in EGF receptor trafficking, Mol Biol Cell 18, 1683-1692. Full Text/Abstract
  • Chang C-R, Blackstone C (2007) Cyclic-AMP-dependent phosphorylation of Drp1 regulates its GTPase activity and mitochondrial morphology, J Biol Chem 282, 21583-21587. Full Text/Abstract
  • Soderblom C, Blackstone C (2006) Traffic accidents: molecular genetic insights into the pathogenesis of the hereditary spastic paraplegias, Pharmacol Ther 109, 42-56. Full Text/Abstract
  • Blindauer K and the Parkinson Study Group (C Blackstone) (2006) A randomized control trial of etilevodopa in Parkinson's disease patients with motor fluctuations, Arch Neurol 63, 210-216. Full Text/Abstract
  • Zhu P-P, Soderblom C, Tao-Cheng J-H, Stadler J, Blackstone C (2006) SPG3A protein atlastin-1 is enriched in growth cones and promotes axon elongation during neuronal development, Hum Mol Genet 15, 1343-1353. Full Text/Abstract
  • Arnoult D, Grodet A, Lee Y-J, Estaquier J, Blackstone C (2005) Release of OPA1 during apoptosis participates in the rapid and complete release of cytochrome c and subsequent mitochondrial fragmentation, J Biol Chem 280, 35742-35750. Full Text/Abstract
  • Arnoult D, Rismanchi N, Grodet A, Roberts RG, Seeburg DP, Estaquier J, Sheng M, Blackstone C (2005) Bax/Bak-dependent release of DDP/TIMM8a promotes Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission and mitoptosis during programmed cell death, Curr Biol 15, 2112-2118. Full Text/Abstract
  • Bakowska JC, Jenkins R, Pendleton J, Blackstone C (2005) The Troyer syndrome (SPG20) protein spartin interacts with Eps15, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 334, 1042-1048. Full Text/Abstract
  • Zhu P-P, Patterson A, Stadler J, Seeburg DP, Sheng M, Blackstone C (2004) Intra- and intermolecular domain interactions of the C-terminal GTPase effector domain of the multimeric dynamin-like GTPase Drp1, J Biol Chem 279, 35967-35974. Full Text/Abstract
  • Miller DW, Ahmad R, Hague S, Baptista MJ, Canet-Aviles R, McLendon C, Carter DM, Zhu P-P, Stadler J, Chandran J, Klinefelter GR, Blackstone C, Cookson MR (2003) L166P mutant DJ-1, causative for recessive Parkinson's disease, is degraded through the ubiquitin-proteosome system, J Biol Chem 278, 36588-36595. Full Text/Abstract
  • Blackstone C, Roberts RG, Seeburg DP, Sheng M (2003) Interaction of the deafness-dystonia protein DDP/TIMM8a with the signal transducing adaptor molecule STAM1, Biochem Biophys Res Comm 305, 345-352. Full Text/Abstract
  • Zhu P-P, Patterson A, Lavoie B, Stadler J, Shoeb M, Patel R, Blackstone C (2003) Cellular Localization, Oligomerization, and Membrane Association of the Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia 3A (SPG3A) Protein Atlastin, J Biol Chem 278, 49063-49071. Full Text/Abstract
  • Blackstone C, Sheng M (2002) Postsynaptic calcium signaling microdomains in neurons, Front Biosci 7, d872-885.
  • Blackstone C, Sheng M (1999) Protein targeting and calcium signaling microdomains in neuronal cells, Cell Calcium 26, 181-192. Full Text/Abstract
  • Martin LJ, Furuta A, Blackstone CD (1998) AMPA receptor protein in developing rat brain: glutamate receptor-1 expression and localization change at regional, cellular, and subcellular levels with maturation, Neuroscience 83, 917-928. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wright DD, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Ryugo DK (1996) Immunocytochemical localization of the mGluR1 metabotropic glutamate receptor in the dorsal cochlear nucleus, J Comp Neurol 364, 729-745.
  • Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1995) Molecular structure of glutamate receptor channels, In: TW Stone, ed. CNS Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators, Vol. 1, 53-67.
  • Ginsberg SD, Price DL, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Martin LJ (1995) Non-NMDA glutamate receptors are present throughout the primate hypothalamus, J Comp Neurol 353, 539-552.
  • Ginsberg SD, Price DL, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Martin LJ (1995) The AMPA glutamate receptor GluR3 is enriched in oxytocinergic magnocellular neurons and is localized at synapses, Neuroscience 65, 563-575.
  • Peng Y-W, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Yau K-W (1995) Distribution of glutamate receptor subtypes in the vertebrate retina, Neuroscience 66, 483-497.
  • Prince HK, Conn PJ, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Levey AI (1995) Down-regulation of AMPA receptor subunit GluR2 in amygdaloid kindling, J Neurochem 64, 462-465.
  • Blackstone C, Murphy TH, Moss SJ, Baraban JM, Huganir RL (1994) Cyclic AMP and synaptic activity-dependent phosphorylation of AMPA-preferring glutamate receptors, J Neurosci 14, 7585-7593.
  • Hyman BT, Penney JB Jr, Blackstone CD, Young AB (1994) Localization of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors in normal and Alzheimer hippocampal formation, Ann Neurol 35, 31-37.
  • Krishek BJ, Xie X, Blackstone C, Huganir RL, Moss SJ, Smart TG (1994) Regulation of GABA receptor function by protein kinase C phosphorylation, Neuron 12, 1081-1095.
  • van den Pol A, Kogelman L, Ghosh P, Liljelund P, Blackstone C (1994) Developmental regulation of the hypothalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1, J Neurosci 14, 3816-3834.
  • Craig AM, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Banker G (1994) Selective clustering of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors opposite terminals releasing the corresponding neurotransmitters, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91, 12373-12377.
  • Raymond LA, Tingley WG, Blackstone CD, Roche KW, Huganir RL (1994) Glutamate receptor modulation by protein phosphorylation, J Physiol (Paris) 88, 181-192.
  • Paschen W, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Ross CA (1994) Human GluR6 kainate receptor (GRIK2): molecular cloning, expression, polymorphism, and chromosomal assignment, Genomics 20, 435-440.
  • Roche KW, Raymond LA, Blackstone C, Huganir RL (1994) Transmembrane topology of the glutamate receptor subunit GluR6, J Biol Chem 269, 11679-11682.
  • Raymond LA, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1993) Phosphorylation of amino acid neurotransmitter receptors in synaptic plasticity, Trends Neurosci 16, 147-153.
  • Moss SJ, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1993) Phosphorylation of recombinant non-NMDA glutamate receptors on serine and tyrosine residues, Neurochem Res 18, 105-110.
  • Martin LJ, Blackstone CD, Levey AI, Huganir RL, Price DL (1993) AMPA glutamate receptor subunits are differentially distributed in rat brain, Neuroscience 53, 327-358.
  • Martin LJ, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Price DL (1993) The striatal mosaic in primates: striosomes and matrix are differentially enriched in ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits., J Neurosci 13, 782-792.
  • Martin LJ, Blackstone CD, Levey AI, Huganir RL, Price DL (1993) Cellular localizations of AMPA glutamate receptors within the basal forebrain magnocellular complex of rat and monkey, J Neurosci 13, 2249-2263.
  • Craig AM, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Banker G (1993) The distribution of glutamate receptors in cultured rat hippocampal neurons: postsynaptic clustering of AMPA-selective subunits, Neuron 10, 1055-1068.
  • Milani D, Candeo P, Favaron M, Blackstone CD, Manev H (1993) A subpopulation of cerebellar granule cells in culture expresses a functional mGluR1 metabotropic glutamate receptor: effect of depolarizing growing conditions, Receptors and Channels 1, 243-250.
  • Raymond LA, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1993) Phosphorylation and modulation of recombinant GluR6 glutamate receptors by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, Nature 361, 637-641.
  • Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1992) Glutamate receptor phosphorylation, Neuroscience Facts 3, 2-3.
  • Moss SJ, Smart TG, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1992) Functional modulation of GABA receptors by cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation, Science 257, 661-665.
  • Swope SL, Moss SJ, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL (1992) Phosphorylation of ligand-gated ion channels: a possible mode of synaptic plasticity, FASEB J 6, 2514-2523.
  • Blackstone CD, Raymond L, Moss SJ, Huganir RL (1992) Regulation of non-NMDA gluatmate receptors by protein phosphorylation, In: Simon RP, ed. Fidia Research Foundation Symposium Series: Excitatory Amino Acids, Vol. 9, 15-20.
  • Blackstone CD, Moss SJ, Martin LJ, Levey AI, Price DL, Huganir RL (1992) Biochemical characterization and localization of a non-N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor in rat brain, J Neurochem 58, 1118-1126.
  • Blackstone CD, Levey AI, Martin LJ, Price DL, Huganir RL (1992) Immunological detection of glutamate receptor sybtypes in human central nervous system, Ann Neurol 31, 680-683.
  • Martin LJ, Blackstone CD, Huganir RL, Price DL (1992) Cellular localization of a phosphoinositide-linked metabotropic glutamate receptor in rat brain, Neuron 9, 259-270.
  • Blackstone CD, Supattapone S, Snyder SH (1989) Phosphoinositide-linked glutamate receptors mediate cerebellar parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synaptic transmission, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 86, 4316-4320.
  • Seino S, Blackstone CD, Chan SJ, Whittaker J, Bell GI, Steiner DF (1988) Appalachian spring: variations on ancient gastro-entero-pancreatic themes in New World mammals, Horm Metabol Res 20, 430-435.
  • Blackstone CD, Seino S, Takeuchi T, Yamada T, Steiner DF (1988) Novel organization and processing of the guinea pig pancreatic polypeptide precursor, J Biol Chem 263, 2911-2916.