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Volume 6(3);  April 2005
Research Articles
In This Issue
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 113. doi: 10.1002/cfg.472.
PMCID: PMC2447525
Meta-Analysis Combines Affymetrix Microarray Results Across Laboratories
John R. Stevens and R. W. Doerge
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 116–122. doi: 10.1002/cfg.460.
PMCID: PMC2447518
Reassessing Design and Analysis of two-Colour Microarray Experiments Using Mixed Effects Models
Guilherme J. M. Rosa, Juan P. Steibel, and Robert J. Tempelman
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 123–131. doi: 10.1002/cfg.464.
PMCID: PMC2447516
Design and Calibration of Microarrays as Universal Transcriptomic Environmental Biosensors
J. S. Almeida, D. J. McKillen, Y. A. Chen, P. S. Gross, R. W. Chapman, and G. Warr
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 132–137. doi: 10.1002/cfg.466.
PMCID: PMC2447521
The Korea Brassica Genome Project: a Glimpse of the Brassica Genome Based on Comparative Genome Analysis With Arabidopsis
Tae-Jin Yang, Jung-Sun Kim, Ki-Byung Lim, Soo-Jin Kwon, Jin-A Kim, Mina Jin, Jee Young Park, Myung-Ho Lim, Ho-Il Kim, Seog Hyung Kim, Yong Pyo Lim, and Beom-Seok Park
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 138–146. doi: 10.1002/cfg.465.
PMCID: PMC2447515
Computational Tools for Brassica–Arabidopsis Comparative Genomics
Paul Beckett, Ian Bancroft, and Martin Trick
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 147–152. doi: 10.1002/cfg.463.
PMCID: PMC2447517
The Tomato Sequencing Project, the First Cornerstone of the International Solanaceae Project (SOL)
Lukas A. Mueller, Steven D. Tanksley, Jim J. Giovannoni, Joyce van Eck, Stephen Stack, Doil Choi, Byung Dong Kim, Mingsheng Chen, Zhukuan Cheng, Chuanyou Li, Hongqing Ling, Yongbiao Xue, Graham Seymour, Gerard Bishop, Glenn Bryan, Rameshwar Sharma, Jiten Khurana, Akhilesh Tyagi, Debasis Chattopadhyay, Nagendra K. Singh, Willem Stiekema, P. Lindhout, Taco Jesse, Rene Klein Lankhorst, Mondher Bouzayen, Daisuke Shibata, Satoshi Tabata, Antonio Granell, Miguel A. Botella, Giovanni Giuliano, Luigi Frusciante, Mathilde Causse, and Dani Zamir
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 153–158. doi: 10.1002/cfg.468.
PMCID: PMC2447522
Plant Reproductive Genomics at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference
Jim Leebens-Mack, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 159–169. doi: 10.1002/cfg.469.
PMCID: PMC2447523
The International Cotton Genome Initiative workshop I, at PAG XIII
R. J. Kohel and John Z. Yu
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 170–173. doi: 10.1002/cfg.470.
PMCID: PMC2447524
Bovine Genomics From Academia to Industry
David Henderson, Milt Thomas, and Yang Da
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 174–180. doi: 10.1002/cfg.467.
PMCID: PMC2447526
Conference Calendar
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 181–183. doi: 10.1002/cfg.471.
PMCID: PMC2447520
Current Awareness on Comparative and Functional Genomics
Comp Funct Genomics. 2005 April; 6(3): 185–192. doi: 10.1002/cfg.420.
PMCID: PMC2447519
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