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Video Cases:
Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much

Tool Kit

Resources for spreading the word to
your colleagues,  students, or members

Helping patients who drink too much

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To download this ad, right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) the ad graphic at left and select "copy image." Link the ad to this page. Format: GIF (123 x 214 pixels, 4 K)

Clinicians' Guide CME/CE TrainingE-mail your members

To send an e-mail about the training program to your
members, use this
PDF (92 K)

Clinicians' Guide HandoutDistribute a flyer

To obtain a one-page, color flyer for mailing or distribution at a meeting, order here or download it as a PDF (1.5 MB)

Press release for online training programCreate a feature story

Adapt the press release to reach your audience:
Word (38 K), PDF (104 K), Text (4 K)


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