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Fumihito Ono

Fumihito Ono, M.D., Ph.D.

TS32, 5625 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD, 20852

Phone: 301-443-3748

Fax: 301-480-0466



04/1991 M.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo

06/1991-05/1992 Resident, Internal Medicine, National Medical Center Hospital

07/1996 Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo

Research Experience

01/1996- 11/1998 Postdoctoral Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

11/1998- 08/2000 Postdoctoral Fellow, SUNY at Stony Brook

09/2000- 10/2003 Research Assistant Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook

11/2003- 5/28/2007 Assistant Professor, the Whitney Laboratory & Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida

5/29/2007- Chief, Section on Model Synaptic Systems, Laboratory of Molecular Physiology, NIAAA/NIH

Awards and Grants

Fellowship (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)   1996-1998

Muscular Dystrophy Association, Research Grant   07/2004– 06/2007       $297,000

NIH 1 R01 NS050388-01A1   07/01/2005 - 06/30/2009      $942,112


Epley, K., Urban, J., Ikenaga, T., and Ono, F. (2008) A modified acetylcholine receptor d-subunit enables a null mutant to survive beyond sexual maturation. Journal of Neuroscience 28: 13223-13231.

Ono, F. (2008) An emerging picture of synapse formation: A balance of two opposing pathways. Science Signaling 1, pe3.

Ibanez-Tallon, I., Wen, H., Miwa, J.M., Xing, J., Tekinay, AB., Ono, F., Brehm, P.,  and Heintz, N. (2004) Tethering naturally occurring Peptide toxins for cell-autonomous modulation of ion channels and receptors in vivo. Neuron 43:305-11.

Luna, V., Wang, M., Ono, F., Gleason, M., Dallman, J., Mandel, G., and Brehm, P. (2004) Persistent electrical coupling and locomotory dysfunction in the zebrafish mutant shocked. Journal of Neurophysiology 92:2003-2009.

Ono, F., Mandel, G., and Brehm, P. (2004) Acetylcholine receptors direct rapsyn clusters to the neuromuscular synapse in zebrafish. Journal of Neuroscience 24:5475-5481.

Lefebvre, J.L., Ono, F., Puglielli, C., Saidner, G., Franzini-Armstrong, C., Brehm, P., and Granato, M. (2004) Increased neuromuscular activity causes axonal defects and muscle degeneration. Development 31:2605-2618.

Li, W., Ono, F., and Brehm, P. (2003) Optical measurements of presynaptic release in mutant zebrafish lacking postsynaptic receptors. Journal of Neuroscience 23:10467 - 10474.

Nakajo, K., Katsuyama, Y., Ono, F., Ohtsuka, Y., and Okamura, Y. (2003) Primary structure, functional characterization and developmental expression of the ascidian Kv4-class potassium channel. Neuroscience Research 45:59-70.

Ono, F., Shcherbatko, A., Higashijima, S., Mandel, G.,  and Brehm, P. (2002) The zebrafish motility mutant "twitch once" reveals new roles for rapsyn in synaptic function. Journal of Neuroscience 22:6491-8.

Okada, T., Katsuyama, Y., Ono, F., and Okamura, Y. (2002) The development of three identified motor neurons in ascidian embryo. Developmental Biology 244:278-92.

Ono, F., Higashijima, S., Shcherbatko, A., Fetcho, J.R., and Brehm, P. (2001) Paralytic zebrafish lacking acetylcholine receptors fail to localize rapsyn clusters to the synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 21:5439-5448.

Shchberbatko, A., Ono, F., Mandel, G., and Brehm, P. (1999) Voltage-dependent sodium channel function is regulated through membrane mechanics. Biophysical Journal 77:1945-1959.

Ono, F., Katsuyama, Y., Nakajo, K., and Okamura, Y. (1999) Subfamily-specific posttranscriptional mechanism underlies K channel expression in a developing neuronal blastomere. Journal of Neuroscience 19:6874-6886.

Okamura, Y., Ono, F. and Okagaki, R. (1997) Regulation of voltage-gated ion channels during ascidian embryogenesis. Developmental Neuroscience 19:23-24.

Okamura, Y., Ono, F. and Okagaki, R. (1996) Regulation of sodium channel gene expression by cell-specific interactions in the Ascidian embryo. Basic Neuroscience in Invertebrates 21-30.

Okamura, Y.,  Ono, F., Okagaki, R., Chong, J.A., and Mandel, G. (1994) Neural expression of a sodium channel gene requires cell-specific interactions. Neuron 13:937-948.

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