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Post-Doctorate Position in France: Long term evolution of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking habits - Effects on health risks


Long term evolution of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking habits - Effects on health risks

A post-doctoral position is available at the Inserm Unit 687 (Public Health and Epidemiology of the Social and Occupational Determinants of Health).

Our group’s research is focused on 1) the determinants and 2) the health effects of alcohol and tobacco consumption. It is mainly based on data collected in the GAZEL Cohort Study, a cohort of 20,000 adults followed since 1989 (Goldberg et al., Int J Epid, 2007). Data of special interest are alcohol and tobacco consumption reported annually for almost 20 years, and the incidence of various health outcomes available through the continuous monitoring of study participants; longitudinal data on the main potential confounders are also available.

The aim of the project is to study the joint evolution of alcohol and tobacco consumption habits over time and their effects on health risks. It will associate the use of statistical methods appropriate for longitudinal data, with an emphasis on the management of missing data as well as selection and attrition affects, with the use of epidemiological methods for the study of health risks. The epi and biostatistics groups of the Unit will collaborate on the project. INSERM Unit  687 is part of a larger research centre which includes eleven units and 545 researchers, teaching staff, PhD students, post-docs, statisticians and database managers.

The position is open for up to three years ; monthly gross salary is about 3200€.

Candidates should have a PhD degree, and a background in biostatistics. Experience working with longitudinal data would be appreciated. Applications, including a CV, a list of publications, and the names, mailing addresses, and e-mail addresses of three referees, should be sent to:

Peggy Murray
Senior Advisor
Office of the Director
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health
5635 Fishers Lane Room 2013
Rockville, MD 20852-7003






Prepared:  December 11, 2007

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