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Enterprise Monitoring (NAppMan)

Computers have become indispensable for effectively performing the work we do at the NIH, but it is the applications running on those computers that ultimately allow us to be productive. We tend to take those applications for granted, expecting them to be always and conveniently available. When they are not, we are hamstrung and frustrated. Avoiding problems and ensuring that the applications are available all the time requires constant monitoring. Thus, through the use of the NIH Application Manager (NAppMan), responsible individuals are alerted when the NIH enterprise application is not available or is suffering a problem of some sort.

NAppMan employs a “monitor of monitors” approach to ensure our applications are available when we need them. As a monitor of monitors, NAppMan does not directly monitor an application itself. Instead, it pulls or receives information from the underlying monitors – the monitoring software that directly monitors the application. NAppMan then summarizes the information and displays it on a dashboard, thus allowing system owners to view the accessibility of an application from a user’s perspective.

For additional information please contact:

Doug Meyer
IT Project Manager, DECA/CIT

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This page last reviewed: September 12, 2008