Biowulf at the NIH
POV-Ray Examples
Click on any image to see it full size
Dave-small Space-filling model of the pseudomonas exotoxin. The structure was displayed with Rasmol and then exported to a Povray input file. The full image is 600 x 600 pixels, and took 50 seconds using 16 processors on 8 nodes. Memory used was 5.7 M for each processor. Image courtesy P. Fitzgerald (CIT)
fred1_small DNA binding to TnsA. The structure was drawn using Molscript, rendered in Raster3d, converted to a povray input file using a personal conversion program, edited manually, and then raytraced using Povray. The full image is 1242 x 946 pixels. The Povray run took 23 minutes using 8 nodes, 8 processors on Biowulf. Memory used was 360 Mb per processor. Image courtesy F. Dyda (NIDDK)
nat668 nat668 Left: Postscript image produced by Molscript.
Right: Image produced by Povscript -> Povray.
Both images used an identical Molscript input file, are drawn to a size of 500 x 500 pixels, and were converted to gifs for this web page. The Povray image took 4 seconds on 8 processors, 8 nodes.
tryp tryp Left: Jpeg image produced by Molscript.
Right: Targa image produced by Povscript -> Povray
Both images were created from the same Molscript input file, were drawn to 500 x 500 pixels. The Povray run took 17 seconds on 8 processors (4 nodes) on Biowulf.
frame59 Movie made by Povray on Biowulf. The Povray input file was created by Ribbons. 60 images with different rotation/scale were created by Povray on Biowulf, and the animated gif was made with gifsicle. The 60 Povray images were created in about 1 min (total).

Click on the image to see the animation. Warning: it is about 1Mb.