Diet History Questionnaire: Current Database File
The most current nutrient database file is dhq1_121107.csv. If you are using the latest version
of Diet*Calc, this database is automatically installed with the software. The
items in the database are listed in Nutrient and Dietary
Constituents and servings of Pyramid Food Groups.
If you used a previous release of the database and would like to see what has
changed, please see Database
Revision History.
Using a Different Database File in Diet*Calc
The food database used in a Diet*Calc analysis is specified in the Questionnaire Data Dictionary. The name of the foods database file is displayed on the main Diet*Calc window under the Data Dictionary filename.
- Start or open a Diet*Calc session.
- Open the data dictionary editor by selecting Data Dictionary from the Edit menu or using the book icon in the toolbar.
- In the data dictionary, use the browse button to select a new Foods Database.
- Save the data dictionary. If you wish to use both versions of the database, you may want to use Save As to save the file with a new name.