Electronic Health Records


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Air date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 1:30:00 PM
Category: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Runtime: 60 minutes
NLM Title: Electronic health records [electronic resource] / Dorothy Dupree.
Author: Dupree, Dorothy.
Publisher: [Bethesda, Md. : National Institutes of Health, 2008]
Abstract: (CIT): CMS Medicine Dish Series Electronic Health Records. A panel will provide the information on: .An Overview of the importance of Electronic Health Records and HHS initiatives .IHS experiences with EHR and important new developments with the RPMS .How CMS is working with EHR and what you can expect for CMS programs The speakers will be: .Howard Hays, MD - Indian Health Service .Paul X. Donohoe - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services .Karen Bell - Office of the Secretary .Dorothy Dupree, Host and Moderator - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services QUESTIONS CAN BE ASKED DURING THE BROADCAST BY CALLING 1-800-953-2233. Materials related to this broadcast will be posted on the CMS AI/AN website at http://www.cms.gov under American Indian Alaska Native Center.
Subjects: Indians, North American
Medical Records Systems, Computerized
United States
Publication Types: Government Publications
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NLM Classification: WX 173
NLM ID: 101480525
CIT File ID: 14550
CIT Live ID: 6803
Permanent link: http://videocast.nih.gov/launch.asp?14550