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Volume 47(9);  September 1992
General practitioners and asthma.
P W Barritt
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 669–670.
PMCID: PMC474794
Lung sounds.
J Earis
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 671–672.
PMCID: PMC474795
The cost of care in cystic fibrosis.
D J Shale
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 673.
PMCID: PMC474796
Lung sound intensity in patients with emphysema and in normal subjects at standardised airflows.
H J Schreur, P J Sterk, J Vanderschoot, H C van Klink, E van Vollenhoven, and J H Dijkman
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 674–679.
PMCID: PMC474797
Effect of methacholine induced bronchoconstriction on the spectral characteristics of breath sounds in asthma.
D P Spence, S Bentley, D H Evans, and M D Morgan
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 680–683.
PMCID: PMC474798
A cost description of an adult cystic fibrosis unit and cost analyses of different categories of patients.
M Robson, J Abbott, K Webb, M Dodd, and J Walsworth-Bell
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 684–689.
PMCID: PMC474799
Comparison of polymerase chain reaction amplification of two mycobacterial DNA sequences, IS6110 and the 65kDa antigen gene, in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
D A Walker, I K Taylor, D M Mitchell, and R J Shaw
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 690–694.
PMCID: PMC474800
Generation of cytolytic T cells in individuals infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and vaccinated with BCG.
A D Pithie, M Rahelu, D S Kumararatne, P Drysdale, J S Gaston, P B Iles, J A Innes, and C J Ellis
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 695–701.
PMCID: PMC474801
Airway calibre as a confounder in interpreting bronchial responsiveness in asthma.
A Dirksen, F Madsen, T Engel, L Frølund, J H Heinig, and H Mosbech
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 702–706.
PMCID: PMC474802
Height and age adjustment for cross sectional studies of lung function in children aged 6-11 years.
S Chinn and R J Rona
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 707–714.
PMCID: PMC474803
Nasal ventilation to facilitate weaning in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency.
Z F Udwadia, G K Santis, M H Steven, and A K Simonds
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 715–718.
PMCID: PMC474804
Lung function testing in adults with preferential nasal breathing.
C F Stanford, B Martin, D P Nicholls, and D Watson
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 719–720.
PMCID: PMC474805
Bronchopulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma in patients with AIDS.
R F Miller, M C Tomlinson, C P Cottrill, J J Donald, M F Spittle, and S J Semple
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 721–725.
PMCID: PMC474806
Bronchopulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma in patients with AIDS.
D M Mitchell, M McCarty, J Fleming, and F M Moss
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 726–729.
PMCID: PMC474807
A rewarding combination
Philip Hugh-Jones
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 729.
PMCID: PMC474808
Pulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma in Africa.
A L Pozniak, A S Latif, P Neill, S Houston, K Chen, and V Robertson
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 730–733.
PMCID: PMC474809
An audit of the clinical investigation of pleural effusion.
A D Walshe, J G Douglas, K M Kerr, M E McKean, and D J Godden
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 734–737.
PMCID: PMC474810
Charlie's Club
Jack R Belcher
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 737.
PMCID: PMC474811
High resolution computed tomography as a predictor of lung histology in systemic sclerosis.
A U Wells, D M Hansell, B Corrin, N K Harrison, P Goldstraw, C M Black, and R M du Bois
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 738–742.
PMCID: PMC474812
The pulmonary physician and critical care. 4. A new look at the pulmonary circulation in acute lung injury.
G A Fox and D G McCormack
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 743–747.
PMCID: PMC474813
The airway microvasculature and exercise induced asthma.
S D Anderson and E Daviskas
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 748–752.
PMCID: PMC474814
Percutaneous visceral pleural biopsy with fenestrated cup biopsy forceps.
P P Prabhudesai, A A Mahashur, S N Murudkar, and R Ajay
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 753–754.
PMCID: PMC474815
Acute and long term respiratory damage following inhalation of ammonia.
D Leduc, P Gris, P Lheureux, P A Gevenois, P De Vuyst, and J C Yernault
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 755–757.
PMCID: PMC474816
Expandable metal stents for tracheal obstruction: permanent or temporary? A cautionary tale.
C R Hind and R J Donnelly
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 757–758.
PMCID: PMC474817
Occupational asthma due to polyethylene shrink wrapping (paper wrapper's asthma).
P F Gannon, P S Burge, and G F Benfield
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 759.
PMCID: PMC474818
Occupational asthma induced by the fungicide tetrachloroisophthalonitrile.
I Honda, H Kohrogi, M Ando, S Araki, T Ueno, M Futatsuka, and A Ueda
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 760–761.
PMCID: PMC474819
Alternative and complementary medicine for asthma.
J B Morrison
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 762.
PMCID: PMC474821
Donald J Lane
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 762.
PMCID: PMC474822
Alternative and complementary medicine for asthma.
A F Kalyoncu, Z T Selçuk, A Iskendarani, L Cöplü, S Emri, A A Sahin, and Y I Bariş
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 762.
PMCID: PMC474823
Air pollution and respiratory morbidity.
R L Maynard and R E Waller
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 762–763.
PMCID: PMC474824
John Britton
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 763.
PMCID: PMC474825
Pulmonary function in chronic renal failure: effects of dialysis and transplantation.
Z Dujić, D Eterović, and J Tocilj
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 763.
PMCID: PMC474826
A Bush
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 763.
PMCID: PMC474827
Haematological effects of inhalation of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine in man.
C Selby, E Drost, and B MacNee
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 763–764.
PMCID: PMC474828
Matthew J Peters
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 764.
PMCID: PMC474829
Book Notices
Mediators of Pulmonary Inflammation
Geoffrey J Laurent
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 764.
PMCID: PMC474830
British Medical Bulletin: A Series of Expert Reviews—Asthma
Thorax. 1992 September; 47(9): 764.
PMCID: PMC474831
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