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Volume 26(6);  November 1971
The diagnosis of primary lung cancer with special reference to sputum cytology
N. C. Oswald, K. F. W. Hinson, G. Canti, and A. B. Miller
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 623–631.
PMCID: PMC472376
An assessment of the haemodynamic alterations in acute myocardial infarction using the systolic time intervals
E. David Bennett, Charles S. Smithen, and Edgar Sowton
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 632–637.
PMCID: PMC472377
Aneurysms of the thoracic aorta
B. T. Le Roux, M. A. Rogers, and M. S. Gotsman
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 638–651.
PMCID: PMC472378
Alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency and pulmonary emphysema
M. C. Jones and G. O. Thomas
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 652–662.
PMCID: PMC472379
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Donald Heath, Olive Scott, and James Lynch
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 663–674.
PMCID: PMC472380
Bleomycin-induced interstitial pneumonia in dogs
Robert W. Fleischman, John R. Baker, George R. Thompson, Ulrich H. Schaeppi, Vladimir R. Illievski, David A. Cooney, and Ruth D. Davis
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 675–682.
PMCID: PMC472381
Remission in Goodpasture's syndrome: report of two patients treated by immunosuppression and review of the literature
Anthony Seaton, J. Milo Meland, and N. Leroy Lapp
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 683–688.
PMCID: PMC472382
Effects of posture in hiatus hernia as studied by oesophageal pH measurement
K. S. Habibulla, J. F. Ammann, and J. Leigh Collis
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 689–695.
PMCID: PMC472383
Radiological evaluation of post-tracheostomy lesions
Alexander S. Macmillan, A. Everette James, Jr., Frederick P. Stitik, and Hermes C. Grillo
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 696–703.
PMCID: PMC472384
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
M. R. Sears, A. R. Chang, and A. J. Taylor
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 704–711.
PMCID: PMC472385
Diagnosing emphysema from the lung scan
Valerie Y. Muir
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 712–715.
PMCID: PMC472386
Correlation of regional densitometry patterns, radiological appearances, and pulmonary function tests in chronic bronchitis and emphysema
G. R. Sutherland, R. Hume, W. B. James, M. Davison, and J. Kennedy
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 716–720.
PMCID: PMC472387
Distribution of ventilation and frequency-dependence of dynamic lung compliance
S. T. Chiang
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 721–726.
PMCID: PMC472388
Pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange in bronchiectasis
J. N. Pande, B. P. Jain, R. G. Gupta, and J. S. Guleria
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 727–733.
PMCID: PMC472389
An evaluation of azathioprine in severe chronic asthma
N. G. Hodges, R. A. L. Brewis, and J. B. L. Howell
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 734–739.
PMCID: PMC472390
Respiratory function among Malaysian aboriginals
A. E. Dugdale, J. M. Bolton, and A. Ganendran
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 740–743.
PMCID: PMC472393
Acute thrombotic occlusion of the superior vena cava treated successfully by emergency thrombectomy
V. Ketharanathan, Ian McConchie, and Michael Mullerworth
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 744–746.
PMCID: PMC472397
Complications during removal of a pedunculated endobronchial leiomyosarcoma
Al. Annamalai, S. Shreekumar, P. Vadivelu, and P. Shyamala
Thorax. 1971 November; 26(6): 747–750.
PMCID: PMC472398
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