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Volume 23(4);  July 1968
Experimental mitral valve replacement with a heterograft aortic valve in a rigid metal ring
E. Proctor
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 331–337.
PMCID: PMC471798
A technique for complete replacement of the ascending aorta
Hugh Bentall and Antony De Bono
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 338–339.
PMCID: PMC471799
An annual cycle in the ventilatory capacity of men with pneumoconiosis and of normal subjects
C. B. McKerrow and C. E. Rossiter
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 340–349.
PMCID: PMC471800
A rare type of atrial septal defect
R. J. M. McCormack, D. Pickering, and I. I. Smith
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 350–352.
PMCID: PMC471801
Candida endocarditis after heart surgery
N. Conway, M. L. Kothari, Eunice Lockey, and M. H. Yacoub
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 353–355.
PMCID: PMC471802
Mucoid impaction of the bronchi in relation to asthma and plastic bronchitis
A. D. Morgan and W. Bogomoletz
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 356–369.
PMCID: PMC471803
Recurring spontaneous pneumothorax concomitant with menstruation
Rosemary Davies
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 370–373.
PMCID: PMC471804
Neurogenic tumours with an intrathoracic localization
W. M. Oosterwijk and J. Swierenga
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 374–384.
PMCID: PMC471805
Pulmonary artery banding in congenital heart disease associated with pulmonary hypertension
J. M. Reid, R. S. Barclay, E. N. Coleman, J. G. Stevenson, T. M. Welsh, and N. McSwan
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 385–391.
PMCID: PMC471806
Serum enzyme changes after major lung surgery—with and without halothane
A. R. Hunter
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 392–397.
PMCID: PMC471807
Anomalous pulmonary venous return into inferior vena cava and associated bronchovascular anomalies (the scimitar syndrome): Report of three cases and review of the literature
J. Mathey, J. J. Galey, Y. Logeais, E. Santoro, A. Vanetti, A. Maurel, and R. Wuerflein
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 398–407.
PMCID: PMC471808
Long-term survival of dogs after experimental pulmonary reimplantation and staged contralateral pneumonectomy
P. McN. Hill and K. M. Shaw
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 408–413.
PMCID: PMC471809
The value of lung cancer detection by six-monthly chest radiographs
G. Z. Brett
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 414–420.
PMCID: PMC471810
Effects of inhalation of an artificial fog
John D. Abernethy
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 421–426.
PMCID: PMC471811
Respiratory gas exchange in patients with spontaneous pneumothorax
R. M. Norris, J. G. Jones, and J. M. Bishop
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 427–433.
PMCID: PMC471812
Endometriosis of the lung: A case report and brief review of the literature
Tatiana Jelihovsky and A. F. Grant
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 434–437.
PMCID: PMC471813
Haemorrhagic necrosis of small intestine and acute pancreatitis following open-heart surgery
E. H. Horton, S. K. Murthy, and R. M. E. Seal
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 438–445.
PMCID: PMC471814
Relationship between transpulmonary artery distance and pulmonary arterial pressure in patients with chronic bronchitis
P. Hicken, I. D. Green, and J. M. Bishop
Thorax. 1968 July; 23(4): 446–450.
PMCID: PMC471815
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