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Volume 33(3);  June 1978
Dissecting the dissecting aneurysm.
P G Stovin
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 273–274.
PMCID: PMC470884
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (surgical technique, early and late results).
G Di Eusanio, F A Sandrasagra, R J Donnelly, and D I Hamilton
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 275–282.
PMCID: PMC470885
Double outlet right ventricle: clinical and anatomical spectrum.
E K Weir, H S Joffe, C N Barnard, and W Beck
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 283–289.
PMCID: PMC470886
Protrusion of the lung apex through Sibson's fascia in infancy.
M Grunebaum and N T Griscom
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 290–294.
PMCID: PMC470887
The thorax in history. 3. Beginning of the Middle Ages.
R K French
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 295–306.
PMCID: PMC470888
Aetiology of unresolved pneumonia.
S R Bulmer, D Lamb, R J McCormack, and P R Walbaum
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 307–314.
PMCID: PMC470889
Mechanical properties of the lung in extrinsic allergic alveolitis.
C P Warren, K S Tse, and R M Cherniack
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 315–321.
PMCID: PMC470890
Spirometry in healthy men: a correlation with smoking and with mild symptoms.
F Prieto, M J English, G M Cochrane, T J Clark, and B G Rigden
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 322–327.
PMCID: PMC470891
Prevalence of chronic bronchitis in Rhodesian Africans.
J B Cookson and G Mataka
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 328–334.
PMCID: PMC470892
Structural basis for the changing physical properties of human pulmonary vessels with age.
E H Mackay, J Banks, B Sykes, and G Lee
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 335–344.
PMCID: PMC470893
Breath sounds in the clinical assessment of airflow obstruction.
A B Bohadana, R Peslin, and H Uffholtz
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 345–351.
PMCID: PMC470894
An ultrasonic analysis of the comparative efficiency of various cardiotomy reservoirs and micropore blood filters.
D T Pearson, B G Watson, and P S Waterhouse
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 352–358.
PMCID: PMC470895
Intrathoracic neural tumours.
K G Davidson, P R Walbaum, and R J McCormack
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 359–367.
PMCID: PMC470896
Collagen diseases as a cause of constrictive pericarditis.
D K Cooper, W P Cleland, and H H Bentall
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 368–371.
PMCID: PMC470897
Lung cancer in Japanese chromate workers.
Y Ohsaki, S Abe, K Kimura, Y Tsuneta, H Mikami, and M Murao
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 372–374.
PMCID: PMC470898
Cardiac involvement and superior vena caval obstruction in Behçet's disease.
N Roguin, S Haim, R Reshef, E Peleg, and E Riss
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 375–377.
PMCID: PMC470899
Resection of thyroid carcinoma infiltrating the trachea.
T Ishihara, K Kikuchi, T Ikeda, H Inoue, S Fukai, K Ito, and T Mimura
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 378–386.
PMCID: PMC470900
Results of treating primary tumours of the trachea by irradiation.
A Y Rostom and R L Morgan
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 387–393.
PMCID: PMC470901
Acute changes of lung volumes and lung mechanics in asthma and in normal subjects.
P W Holmes, A H Campbell, and C E Barter
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 394–400.
PMCID: PMC470902
Variation in airways resistance when defined over different ranges of airflows.
P W Lord and J M Edwards
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 401–405.
PMCID: PMC470903
Large intercostal arteriovenous aneurysm: successful surgical correction.
M Swank, D Lepley, Jr, D C Mullen, R J Flemma, and L I Bonchek
Thorax. 1978 June; 33(3): 406–408.
PMCID: PMC470904
Journal Matter
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