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Volume 29(2);  March 1974
The Clara cell
P. Smith, D. Heath, and H. Moosavi
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 147–163.
PMCID: PMC470122
Ultrastructural study of pleural fluid in mesothelioma
M. Legrand and R. Pariente
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 164–171.
PMCID: PMC470123
Correlation between tests of small airway function
G. M. Cochrane, S. R. Benatar, J. Davis, J. V. Collins, and T. J. H. Clark
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 172–178.
PMCID: PMC470124
Partitioning of the contributions of rib cage and abdomen to ventilation in ankylosing spondylitis
Gunnar Grimby, Axel R. Fugl-Meyer, and Ann Blomstrand
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 179–184.
PMCID: PMC470125
Lung volumes and flow rates in black and white subjects
N. L. Lapp, H. E. Amandus, R. Hall, and W. K. C. Morgan
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 185–188.
PMCID: PMC470126
Postmortem inflation and fixation of human lungs: A technique for pathological and radiological correlations
B. M. Wright, G. Slavin, L. Kreel, K. Callan, and Brenda Sandin
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 189–194.
PMCID: PMC470127
Necropsy incidence of emphysema in Uganda
Aled W. Jones and P. J. Madda
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 195–198.
PMCID: PMC470128
Starch granules in the pericardium as a cause of the post-cardiotomy syndrome
M. P. Osborne, M. Paneth, and K. F. W. Hinson
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 199–203.
PMCID: PMC470129
Clinical features of non-tuberculous constrictive pericarditis
Hamid Ikram, Seamus O. Banim, and Arthur R. Makey
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 204–208.
PMCID: PMC470130
Sudden death in patients awaiting coronary artery surgery
B. S. Lewis and M. S. Gotsman
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 209–214.
PMCID: PMC470131
Intrathoracic vagus nerve tumours
Basil Strickland and M. K. Wolverson
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 215–222.
PMCID: PMC470132
Inspiratory crackles—early and late
A. R. Nath and L. H. Capel
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 223–227.
PMCID: PMC470133
Palliative intubation for malignant strictures of the oesophagus
J. N. Leverment and D. Mearns Milne
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 228–231.
PMCID: PMC470134
Single breath transfer factor measured concurrently by two methods in asthmatic and normal subjects
S. P. Haydu
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 232–236.
PMCID: PMC470135
Lower-zone emphysema in young patients without α1-antitrypsin deficiency
Nestor A. Martelli, Ernesto Goldman, and Aquiles J. Roncoroni
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 237–244.
PMCID: PMC470136
Lancefield group C streptococcal endocarditis
P. Finnegan, M. X. M. Fitzgerald, G. Cumming, and A. M. Geddes
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 245–247.
PMCID: PMC470137
Multiple thoracotomy for metastatic pulmonary neoplasm
Peter Marks
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 248–251.
PMCID: PMC470138
Mushroom worker's lung-two outbreaks
C. J. Stewart
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 252–257.
PMCID: PMC470139
Primary lymphosarcoma of the lung
R. L. Hurt and W. P. U. Kennedy
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 258–261.
PMCID: PMC470140
A common factor in hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
K. B. Carroll and L. Doyle
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 262–264.
PMCID: PMC470141
Proceedings of The Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1974 March; 29(2): 265–270.
PMCID: PMC470142
Journal Matter
Administrative content — journal masthead, notices, indexes, etc.
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