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Volume 28(3);  May 1973
Blalock-Taussig anastomosis in 126 patients with Fallot's tetralogy
J. M. Reid, E. N. Coleman, R. S. Barclay, and J. G. Stevenson
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 269–272.
PMCID: PMC470029
Ultrastructure of the cardiac myxoma and the papillary tumour of heart valves
P. G. I. Stovin, Donald Heath, and S. U. Khaliq
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 273–285.
PMCID: PMC470030
Opening characteristics of three-cusp tissue heart valves
P. D. Swales, M. P. Holden, D. Dowson, and M. I. Ionescu
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 286–292.
PMCID: PMC470031
Viability of fresh mitral homograft valves
Nawal Al-Janabi and Donald N. Ross
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 293–294.
PMCID: PMC470032
Ultrasonic identification of sources of gaseous microemboli during open heart surgery
E. G. Gallagher and D. T. Pearson
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 295–305.
PMCID: PMC470033
Value of measurement of alveolo-arterial gradient of Pco2 compared to pulmonary scan in diagnosis of thromboembolic pulmonary disease
J. Vereerstraeten, A. Schoutens, M. Tombroff, and J. P. De Koster
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 306–312.
PMCID: PMC470034
Fetal and childhood development of the intrapulmonary veins in man—branching pattern and structure
Alison Hislop and Lynne Reid
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 313–319.
PMCID: PMC470035
Lung function in coastal and highland New Guineans—comparison with Europeans
J. E. Cotes, M. J. Saunders, J. E. R. Adam, H. R. Anderson, and A. M. Hall
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 320–330.
PMCID: PMC470036
Effects of a new cardioselective beta-adrenergic blocker (tolamolol) on exercise tolerance in patients with angina pectoris
N. K. Sood and C. W. H. Havard
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 331–334.
PMCID: PMC470037
Some aspects of respiratory function in three siblings with Morquio-Brailsford disease
E. O. S. Hope, M. J. B. Farebrother, and D. Bainbridge
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 335–341.
PMCID: PMC470038
Intraluminal pressure, transmucosal potential difference, and pH studies in the oesophagus of patients before and after Collis repair of a hiatal hernia
K. S. Habibulla and J. Leigh Collis
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 342–348.
PMCID: PMC470039
A long-term review of dermal grafts and bronchial reconstruction
Ian Monk
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 349–353.
PMCID: PMC470040
Primary pulmonary cavitating carcinomas
M. Ray Chaudhuri
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 354–366.
PMCID: PMC470041
Preoperative tomographic assessment of the mediastinum in bronchial carcinoma
P. K. Peace and J. L. Price
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 367–370.
PMCID: PMC470042
Rupture of major bronchi resulting from closed chest injuries
John P. Collins, V. Ketharanathan, and Ian McConchie
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 371–375.
PMCID: PMC470043
Spontaneous haemopneumothorax
Frank E. Åbyholm and Gunnar Støren
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 376–378.
PMCID: PMC470044
A clinical and radiological review of 204 hiatal hernia operations
E. Hoffman and M. C. Sumner
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 379–385.
PMCID: PMC470045
Management of spontaneous pneumothorax using a Heimlich flutter valve
A. Bernstein, M. Waqaruddin, and M. Shah
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 386–389.
PMCID: PMC470046
Papillary muscle rupture following myocardial infarction: Successful treatment by resection of akinetic left ventricular area, mitral valve replacement, and aorta to coronary artery bypass graft
D. A. Mary, B. C. Pakrashi, and Marian I. Ionescu
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 390–393.
PMCID: PMC470047
Acquired pulmonary stenosis due to compression by a bronchiogenic cyst
M. Harris, M. O. Woo-Ming, and C. G. Miller
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 394–398.
PMCID: PMC470048
Control of massive cardiac haemorrhage by balloon catheter
P. Dube
Thorax. 1973 May; 28(3): 399–400.
PMCID: PMC470049
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