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Volume 28(2);  March 1973
Radiological abnormalities in children with asthma and their relation to the clinical findings and some respiratory function tests
G. Simon, N. Connolly, D. W. Littlejohns, and M. McAllen
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 115–123.
PMCID: PMC470001
Clinical assessment of bronchodilator drugs delivered by aerosol
Gillian M. Shenfield and J. W. Paterson
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 124–128.
PMCID: PMC470002
Pulmonary arterial development during childhood: branching pattern and structure
Alison Hislop and Lynne Reid
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 129–135.
PMCID: PMC470003
Evaluation of two techniques for measurement of respiratory resistance by forced oscillation: A study in young subjects with obstructive lung disease
L. I. Landau and P. D. Phelan
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 136–141.
PMCID: PMC470004
Penetrating wounds of the heart and great vessels: A report of 30 patients
C. E. Anagnostopoulos and C. Frederick Kittle
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 142–146.
PMCID: PMC470005
Cardiac arrhythmias following the creation of an atrial septal defect in patients with transposition of the great arteries
R. J. Moene, J. P. Roos, and A. Eygelaar
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 147–151.
PMCID: PMC470006
Ascending aorta-right pulmonary artery anastomosis: Waterston's operation
F. Alvarez-Díaz, J. M. Brito, G. Cordovilla, J. Pérez De León, P. A. Sanchez, and C. M. Bordiú
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 152–157.
PMCID: PMC470007
Non-rheumatic `subvalvar' mitral regurgitation: Surgical pathology and results of operation in 37 patients
P. K. Caves and M. Paneth
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 158–168.
PMCID: PMC470008
Haemodynamic results of replacement of mitral and aortic valves with autologous fascia lata prostheses
P. H. Talavlikar, P. R. Walbaum, and A. H. Kitchin
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 169–176.
PMCID: PMC470009
Experience with Devices implanted fixed-rate pacemakers
Harold Siddons and Geoffrey Davies
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 177–179.
PMCID: PMC470010
Prediction of battery depletion in implanted pacemakers
Geoffrey Davies and Harold Siddons
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 180–182.
PMCID: PMC470011
Bacteraemia after open-heart surgery
Eunice Lockey, Lorenzo Gonzalez-Lavin, Ira Ray, and Ruth Chen
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 183–187.
PMCID: PMC470012
Serum hepatitis after open-heart surgery
Eunice Lockey, Yvonne Cossart, and Lorenzo Gonzalez-Lavin
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 188–190.
PMCID: PMC470013
Pulmonary perfusion defects in postoperative chest infections
M. H. Irving, R. A. Payne, E. N. O'Brien, and R. Wilks
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 191–197.
PMCID: PMC470014
Radiographic signs of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary infarction
S. Talbot, B. S. Worthington, and E. J. Roebuck
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 198–203.
PMCID: PMC470015
Relationship between cigarette smoking and histological type of lung cancer in women
A. Kennedy
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 204–208.
PMCID: PMC470016
Lung blood flow studies in patients with scoliosis and neuromuscular weakness
W. A. Littler, S. R. Reuben, and D. J. Lane
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 209–213.
PMCID: PMC470017
Paraffinoma of lung: lipoid pneumonia: Report of two cases
John Borrie and James F. Gwynne
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 214–221.
PMCID: PMC470018
Scanning electron microscopy of pulmonary alveolar capillary vessels
I. G. S. Alexander, B. C. Ritchie, and J. E. Maloney
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 222–227.
PMCID: PMC470019
Effects of denervation and muscle ablation procedures on the canine pharyngo-oesophageal junction
Vincent P. Lynch, Jerry F. Schlegel, and F. Henry Ellis, Jr.
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 228–234.
PMCID: PMC470020
Iatrogenic left ventricular—right atrial fistula following mitral valve replacement
Ricardo Seabra-Gomes, Donald N. Ross, and Lorenzo Gonzalez-Lavin
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 235–241.
PMCID: PMC470021
Surgical treatment of cor triatriatum in a 4½-month-old infant
H. Oelert, I. M. Breckenridge, G. Rosland, and J. Stark
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 242–246.
PMCID: PMC470022
A new instrument and technique for lung biopsy using local anaesthesia
D. T. Thompson
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 247–249.
PMCID: PMC470023
Pyopneumopericardium as a complication of oesophagogastrostomy
Otto Gago, Parmajeet S. Chopra, Lee H. Ellison, and Philip J. Silverman
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 250–253.
PMCID: PMC470024
Benign strictures of the cervical oesophagus
P. M. Stell
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 254–256.
PMCID: PMC470025
Lower tracheal and carinal resection associated with subtotal oesophagectomy for carcinoma of oesophagus involving trachea
D. T. Thompson
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 257–260.
PMCID: PMC470026
Proceedings of the Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 261–267.
PMCID: PMC470027
Brain damage and mortality in dogs following pulsatile and non-pulsatile blood flows in extracorporeal circulation
Thorax. 1973 March; 28(2): 268.
PMCID: PMC470028
Corrects: G. Wright, et al. Brain damage and mortality in dogs following pulsatile and non-pulsatile blood flows in extracorporeal circulation. Thorax. 1972 November; 27(6): 738–747.
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