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Volume 48(9);  September 1993
European standards for lung function testing: 1993 update.
G Laszlo
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 873–876.
PMCID: PMC464767
Beta agonists and ventilation.
A E Tattersfield and P Wilding
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 877–878.
PMCID: PMC464768
Effect of air pollution on the prevalence of asthma and allergy: lessons from the German reunification.
H Magnussen, R Jörres, and D Nowak
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 879–881.
PMCID: PMC464769
Acute effects of inhaled salbutamol on the metabolic rate of normal subjects.
P Amoroso, S R Wilson, J Moxham, and J Ponte
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 882–885.
PMCID: PMC464770
Modification of the thermogenic effect of acutely inhaled salbutamol by chronic inhalation in normal subjects.
S R Wilson, P Amoroso, J Moxham, and J Ponte
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 886–889.
PMCID: PMC464771
Effect of orally administered beclomethasone dipropionate on calcium absorption from the gut in normal subjects.
B J Smith, P J Phillips, P R Pannall, H J Cain, and W J Leckie
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 890–893.
PMCID: PMC464772
Reproducibility of incremental maximal cycle ergometer testing in patients with restrictive lung disease.
D D Marciniuk, R E Watts, and C G Gallagher
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 894–898.
PMCID: PMC464773
Factors affecting peak expiratory flow variability and bronchial reactivity in a random population sample.
B G Higgins, J R Britton, S Chinn, K K Lai, P G Burney, and A E Tattersfield
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 899–905.
PMCID: PMC464774
Ethnic differences in lung function in Israeli children.
H Roizin, A Szeinberg, E Tabachnik, M Molho, S Benzaray, A Augarten, D Har-Even, Z Barzilay, and J Yahav
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 906–910.
PMCID: PMC464775
Daytime sleepiness, cognitive performance and mood after continuous positive airway pressure for the sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome.
H M Engleman, K E Cheshire, I J Deary, and N J Douglas
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 911–914.
PMCID: PMC464776
Expandable Wallstent for the treatment of obstruction of the superior vena cava.
A F Watkinson and D M Hansell
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 915–920.
PMCID: PMC464777
Thoracoscopy assisted pulmonary lobectomy.
W S Walker, F M Carnochan, and M Tin
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 921–924.
PMCID: PMC464778
Empyema thoracis: a problem with late referral?
C W Cham, S M Haq, and J Rahamim
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 925–927.
PMCID: PMC464779
Treatment of symptomatic pulmonary aspergillomas with intracavitary instillation of amphotericin B through an indwelling catheter.
M Jackson, C D Flower, and J M Shneerson
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 928–930.
PMCID: PMC464780
Cytokines and pulmonary fibrosis.
J Gauldie, M Jordana, and G Cox
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 931–935.
PMCID: PMC464781
Exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
M J Belman
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 936–946.
PMCID: PMC464782
Successful treatment of diffuse lipoid pneumonitis with whole lung lavage.
H Y Chang, C W Chen, C Y Chen, T R Hsuie, C R Chen, W W Lei, M H Wu, and Y T Jin
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 947–948.
PMCID: PMC464783
Amyloidosis complicating cystic fibrosis.
K Gaffney, D Gibbons, B Keogh, and M X FitzGerald
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 949–950.
PMCID: PMC464784
Unusual presentation of a large tension bronchogenic cyst in an adult.
S P Tarpy, H Kornfeld, K Moroz, and H L Lazar
Thorax. 1993 September; 48(9): 951–952.
PMCID: PMC464785
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