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Volume 48(1);  January 1993
Chlamydia pneumoniae.
T J Marrie
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 1–4.
PMCID: PMC464225
Cohabiting with domestic mites.
I H Feather, J A Warner, S T Holgate, P J Thompson, and G A Stewart
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 5–9.
PMCID: PMC464226
Concentrations of the domestic house dust mite allergen Der p I after treatment with solidified benzyl benzoate (Acarosan) or liquid nitrogen.
S Kalra, P Crank, J Hepworth, C A Pickering, and A A Woodcock
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 10–13.
PMCID: PMC464227
Relation of passive smoking as assessed by salivary cotinine concentration and questionnaire to spirometric indices in children.
D G Cook, P H Whincup, O Papacosta, D P Strachan, M J Jarvis, and A Bryant
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 14–20.
PMCID: PMC464228
Lung function, respiratory illness, and passive smoking in British primary school children.
R J Rona and S Chinn
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 21–25.
PMCID: PMC464230
Activated memory T helper cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with atopic asthma: relation to asthma symptoms, lung function, and bronchial responsiveness.
D S Robinson, A M Bentley, A Hartnell, A B Kay, and S R Durham
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 26–32.
PMCID: PMC464232
T B Stretton
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 32.
PMCID: PMC464233
Effect of arterial oxygen desaturation on six minute walk distance, perceived effort, and perceived breathlessness in patients with airflow limitation.
V H Mak, J R Bugler, C M Roberts, and S G Spiro
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 33–38.
PMCID: PMC464235
Airspace size in lungs of lifelong non-smokers: effect of age and sex.
M Gillooly and D Lamb
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 39–43.
PMCID: PMC464237
Asthma related hospital treatment in Finland: 1972-86.
T Keistinen, T Tuuponen, and S L Kivelä
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 44–47.
PMCID: PMC464239
Quantitative versus qualitative analysis of peak expiratory flow in occupational asthma.
J Côté, S Kennedy, and M Chan-Yeung
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 48–51.
PMCID: PMC464241
Pulmonary endocrine cells of Aymara Indians from the Bolivian Andes.
D Williams, D Heath, J Gosney, and J Rios-Dalenz
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 52–56.
PMCID: PMC464244
Segregation of eosinophil proteins in alveolar macrophage compartments in chronic eosinophilic pneumonia.
A Janin, G Torpier, P Courtin, M Capron, L Prin, A B Tonnel, P Y Hatron, and B Gosselin
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 57–62.
PMCID: PMC464245
Effect of bumetanide on toluene diisocyanate induced contractions in guinea pig airways.
C E Mapp, A Boniotti, A Papi, C A Maggi, A Di Stefano, M Saetta, A Ciaccia, and L M Fabbri
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 63–67.
PMCID: PMC464247
Aerosolised ribavirin in patients with advanced cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis: a pilot study.
C Agustí, A Xaubet, E Ballester, A Alarcón, and C Picado
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 68–69.
PMCID: PMC464249
Pulmonary gangrene and the air crescent sign.
J M Reich
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 70–74.
PMCID: PMC464251
Diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis by ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration.
L N Lee, P C Yang, S H Kuo, K T Luh, D B Chang, and C J Yu
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 75–78.
PMCID: PMC464253
New perspectives on basic mechanisms in lung disease. 2. Neutrophil traffic in the lungs: role of haemodynamics, cell adhesion, and deformability.
W MacNee and C Selby
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 79–88.
PMCID: PMC464255
A nomogram for obtaining the partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air.
A Karnik and D R Karnad
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 89–90.
PMCID: PMC464257
Outbreak of Moraxella catarrhalis in a respiratory unit.
S J Richards, A P Greening, M C Enright, M G Morgan, and H McKenzie
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 91–92.
PMCID: PMC464259
Severe bleomycin lung toxicity: reversal with high dose corticosteroids.
J Maher and P A Daly
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 92–94.
PMCID: PMC464261
Pseudomyxoma of the pleural and peritoneal cavities.
G Radosavljević, B Nedeljković, and V Kacar
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 94–95.
PMCID: PMC464264
Smoking among children and young people in Japan.
H Kawane
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 96.
PMCID: PMC464267
Controlled trial of respiratory muscle training in chronic airflow limitation.
P N Dekhuijzen, C L van Herwaarden, and H T Folgering
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 96.
PMCID: PMC464268
Gordon Guyatt
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 96.
PMCID: PMC464270
Book Notice
Pulmonary function testing
Thorax. 1993 January; 48(1): 95.
PMCID: PMC464265
Journal Matter
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