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Volume 47(8);  August 1992
The management of tuberculous meningitis.
M Humphries
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 577–581.
PMCID: PMC463911
Effects of corticosteroids in acute severe asthma.
N C Barnes
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 582–583.
PMCID: PMC463915
Corticosteroids in acute severe asthma: effectiveness of low doses.
S D Bowler, C A Mitchell, and J G Armstrong
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 584–587.
PMCID: PMC463917
Controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroids in severe acute asthma.
F Morell, R Orriols, J de Gracia, V Curull, and A Pujol
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 588–591.
PMCID: PMC463918
Attenuation of exercise induced asthma by local hyperthermia.
S L Johnston, D Perry, S O'Toole, Q A Summers, and S T Holgate
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 592–597.
PMCID: PMC463919
Controlled trial of respiratory muscle training in chronic airflow limitation.
G Guyatt, J Keller, J Singer, S Halcrow, and M Newhouse
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 598–602.
PMCID: PMC463920
Integrity of the alveolar-capillary barrier and alveolar surfactant system in smokers.
B Schmekel, J A Bos, A R Khan, B Wohlfart, B Lachmann, and P Wollmer
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 603–608.
PMCID: PMC463921
Variability of inspired oxygen concentration with nasal cannulas.
E A Bazuaye, T N Stone, P A Corris, and G J Gibson
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 609–611.
PMCID: PMC463922
Induction of sleep apnoea with negative pressure ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.
R D Levy, M G Cosio, L Gibbons, P T Macklem, and J G Martin
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 612–615.
PMCID: PMC463923
Effects of corticosteroids on bronchodilator action in chronic obstructive lung disease.
J B Wempe, D S Postma, N Breederveld, E Kort, T W van der Mark, and G H Koëter
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 616–621.
PMCID: PMC463924
Nilutamide pneumonitis: a report on eight patients.
P Pfitzenmeyer, P Foucher, F Piard, B Coudert, M L Braud, P Gabez, S Lacroix, J P Mabille, and P Camus
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 622–627.
PMCID: PMC463925
Acute pneumonitis associated with low dose methotrexate treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: report of five cases and review of published reports.
M R Hargreaves, A G Mowat, and M K Benson
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 628–633.
PMCID: PMC463926
Effect of heparin on pulmonary fibroblasts and vascular cells.
Y Yamashita, K Nakagomi, T Takeda, S Hasegawa, and Y Mitsui
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 634–639.
PMCID: PMC463927
Repetitive stimulation of phrenic nerves in myasthenia gravis.
A Mier, C Brophy, J Moxham, and M Green
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 640–644.
PMCID: PMC463928
High resolution computed tomographic assessment of asbestosis and cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis: a comparative study.
N al-Jarad, B Strickland, M C Pearson, M B Rubens, and R M Rudd
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 645–650.
PMCID: PMC463929
My only private patient
Peter D B Davies
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 650.
PMCID: PMC463930
The pulmonary physician and critical care. 3. Pharmacotherapy in lung injury.
M Messent and M J Griffiths
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 651–656.
PMCID: PMC463931
An expansible cannula: a new technique for chest drain insertion.
S S Gill, U U Nkere, and R K Walesby
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 657–659.
PMCID: PMC463932
Recurrent respiratory obstruction from a mediastinal bronchogenic cyst.
S R Johnston, A Adam, D J Allison, P Smith, and P W Ind
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 660–662.
PMCID: PMC463933
Treatment of desmoid tumours in Gardner's syndrome.
C G Eden, N M Breach, and P Goldstraw
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 662–663.
PMCID: PMC463934
Endobronchial actinomycosis mimicking pulmonary neoplasm.
K Y Lau
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 664–665.
PMCID: PMC463935
Fatal lung abscess due to Lactobacillus casei ss rhamnosus.
S S Namnyak, A L Blair, D F Hughes, P McElhinney, M R Donnelly, and J Corey
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 666–667.
PMCID: PMC463936
Cellular mechanisms of acute lung injury: implications for future treatment in the adult respiratory distress syndrome.
E N Wardle
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 668.
PMCID: PMC463937
Chris Haslett and S C Donnelly
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 668.
PMCID: PMC463938
Treatment of relapse of small cell lung cancer in selected patients with the initial combination chemotherapy with carboplatin, etoposide and epirubicin.
C R Nyman
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 668.
PMCID: PMC463939
Barcelona's asthma epidemics.
P Openshaw
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 668.
PMCID: PMC463940
Book Notice
Clinical Tuberculosis
Thorax. 1992 August; 47(8): 668.
PMCID: PMC463941
Journal Matter
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