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Volume 46(2);  February 1991
The role of high resolution computed tomography in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease.
D M Hansell and I H Kerr
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 77–84.
PMCID: PMC462945
Predictors and prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring in 1001 middle aged men.
J R Stradling and J H Crosby
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 85–90.
PMCID: PMC462949
Plasma tumour necrosis factor alpha in cystic fibrosis.
D Norman, J S Elborn, S M Cordon, R J Rayner, M S Wiseman, E J Hiller, and D J Shale
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 91–95.
PMCID: PMC462953
Tuberculous pleural effusions: increased culture yield with bedside inoculation of pleural fluid and poor diagnostic value of adenosine deaminase.
G Maartens and E D Bateman
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 96–99.
PMCID: PMC462956
Exercise response in 404 young men with asthma: no evidence for a late asthmatic reaction.
J Karjalainen
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 100–104.
PMCID: PMC462958
Prescribed fenoterol and death from asthma in New Zealand, 1981-7: a further case-control study.
J Grainger, K Woodman, N Pearce, J Crane, C Burgess, A Keane, and R Beasley
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 105–111.
PMCID: PMC462961
The impact of quitting smoking on symptoms of chronic bronchitis: results of the Scottish Heart Health Study.
C A Brown, I K Crombie, W C Smith, and H Tunstall-Pedoe
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 112–116.
PMCID: PMC462964
Structure of a human pulmonary acinus.
N Berend, A C Rynell, and H E Ward
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 117–121.
PMCID: PMC462968
Effect of terbutaline on bronchoconstriction induced by nebulised pentamidine.
T R Leigh, J Wiggins, B G Gazzard, and J V Collins
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 122–123.
PMCID: PMC462972
Cystic fibrosis. 4. Abnormalities of airway epithelial function and the implications of the discovery of the cystic fibrosis gene.
A W Cuthbert
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 124–130.
PMCID: PMC462974
Assisted ventilation. 5. Non-invasive and domiciliary ventilation: negative pressure techniques.
J M Shneerson
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 131–135.
PMCID: PMC462978
A video system for investigating breathing disorders during sleep.
C J Griffiths, B G Cooper, and G J Gibson
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 136–140.
PMCID: PMC462980
Flexible bronchoscopy via the laryngeal mask: a new technique.
C J McNamee, B Meyns, and K M Pagliero
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 141–142.
PMCID: PMC462981
Iron lung: bronchoscopic and pathological consequences of aspiration of ferrous sulphate.
D J Godden, K M Kerr, S J Watt, and J S Legge
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 142–143.
PMCID: PMC462982
Use of the Denver pleuroperitoneal shunt in the treatment of chylothorax secondary to filariasis.
N D Kitchen, D B Hocken, R M Greenhalgh, and D K Kaplan
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 144–145.
PMCID: PMC462983
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in a patient with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Salih Emri, Lütfi Cöplü, Z Toros Selçuk, A Altay Sahin, and Y Izzettin Baris
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 145–146.
PMCID: PMC462984
Peripheral pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma with substantial submucosal extension to the proximal bronchus.
H Inoue, A Iwashita, H Kanegae, K Higuchi, Y Fujinaga, and I Matsumoto
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 147–148.
PMCID: PMC462985
Trends in respiratory mortality in England and Wales.
D Strachan
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 149.
PMCID: PMC462986
Pericardial effusion after open heart surgery.
I A D'Cruz and G M Pai
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 149.
PMCID: PMC462987
G D Angelini and A J Bryan
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 149.
PMCID: PMC462988
Bronchoscopic cryotherapy for advanced bronchial carcinoma.
P J George and R M Rudd
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 150.
PMCID: PMC462989
DA Walsh, AR Nath, and MO Maiwand
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 150.
PMCID: PMC462990
Tests giving an aetiological diagnosis in pulmonary disease in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
C M Parry, H M Evans, and N J Beeching
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 150.
PMCID: PMC462991
Robert Miller and David Mitchell
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 150.
PMCID: PMC462992
Alveolar partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen measured by a helium washout technique.
E A Harris
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 151.
PMCID: PMC462993
J Jordanoglou, G Tatsis, J Danos, S Gougoulakis, D Orfanidou, and M Gaga
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 151.
PMCID: PMC462994
The biphasic spirogram: a clue to unilateral narrowing of a mainstem bronchus.
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 151.
PMCID: PMC462995
A D Gascoigne and G J Gibson
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 151.
PMCID: PMC462996
Jet and ultrasonic nebuliser output: use of a new method for direct measurement of aerosol output.
R D Hamilton and A Guz
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 151–152.
PMCID: PMC462997
Book Notices
Asthma as an Inflammatory Disease
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 152.
PMCID: PMC462999
The Lung in Rheumatic Disease
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 152.
PMCID: PMC463000
Ventilation/Blood Flow and Gas Exchange
Thorax. 1991 February; 46(2): 152.
PMCID: PMC463001
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