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Volume 43(8);  August 1988
Influence of erdosteine, a mucolytic agent, on amoxycillin penetration into sputum in patients with an infective exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.
G Ricevuti, A Mazzone, E Uccelli, G Gazzani, and G B Fregnan
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 585–590.
PMCID: PMC461392
Management and outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults notified in England and Wales in 1983. Medical Research Council Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Unit.
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 591–598.
PMCID: PMC461393
Changes in bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine over four years in middle aged male smokers and ex-smokers.
T K Lim, R G Taylor, A Watson, H Joyce, and N B Pride
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 599–604.
PMCID: PMC461394
Comparison of histamine and methacholine for use in bronchial challenge tests in community studies.
B G Higgins, J R Britton, S Chinn, T D Jones, A S Vathenen, P G Burney, and A E Tattersfield
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 605–610.
PMCID: PMC461395
Effect of methacholine induced bronchoconstriction on the pulmonary distribution and plasma pharmacokinetics of inhaled sodium cromoglycate in subjects with normal and hyperreactive airways.
R Richards, A Haas, S Simpson, A Britten, A Renwick, and S Holgate
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 611–616.
PMCID: PMC461396
Spirometry in healthy elderly Chinese.
J Woo and J Pang
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 617–620.
PMCID: PMC461397
Does right ventricular function predict survival in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease?
A J France, R J Prescott, W Biernacki, A L Muir, and W MacNee
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 621–626.
PMCID: PMC461398
Chickenpox pneumonia: experience with antiviral treatment.
R N Davidson, W Lynn, P Savage, and M H Wansbrough-Jones
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 627–630.
PMCID: PMC461399
Abolition of methacholine induced bronchoconstriction by the hyperventilation of exercise or volition.
S Freedman, R Lane, M K Gillett, and A Guz
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 631–636.
PMCID: PMC461400
Early and late results of pericardiectomy in 118 cases of constrictive pericarditis.
V V Bashi, S John, E Ravikumar, P S Jairaj, K Shyamsunder, and S Krishnaswami
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 637–641.
PMCID: PMC461401
Instrumental perforations of the oesophagus and their management.
K Moghissi and D Pender
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 642–646.
PMCID: PMC461402
Early neutrophil alveolitis after rechallenge in drug induced alveolitis.
S Salmeron, L Brochard, B Rain, P Herve, F Brenot, G Simonneau, and P Duroux
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 647–648.
PMCID: PMC461403
Benign lymphocytic angiitis and granulomatosis.
H Tukiainen, E O Terho, K Syrjänen, and S Sutinen
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 649–650.
PMCID: PMC461404
Scimitar sign with normal pulmonary venous drainage and anomalous inferior vena cava.
B Herer, F Jaubert, C Delaisements, G Huchon, and J Chretien
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 651–652.
PMCID: PMC461406
Pulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma in two recipients of renal transplants.
K A Gunawardena, M K al-Hasani, A Haleem, M al-Suleiman, and A A al-Khader
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 653–656.
PMCID: PMC461407
Relation of armspan to height and the prediction of lung function.
M E Hibbert, A Lanigan, J Raven, and P D Phelan
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 657–659.
PMCID: PMC461410
Recurrent asthma induced by toluene diisocyanate.
D E Banks and R J Rando
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 660–662.
PMCID: PMC461411
Predicted values: how should we use them?
P H Quanjer
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 663–664.
PMCID: PMC461418
M R Miller and A C Pincock
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 663–664.
PMCID: PMC461420
Book Notices
Not Always on the Level
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 662.
PMCID: PMC461413
Asthma—The Facts
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 662.
PMCID: PMC461415
Allergy—An International Textbook
Thorax. 1988 August; 43(8): 663.
PMCID: PMC461416
Journal Matter
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