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Volume 41(9);  September 1986
Role of inflammation in the hyperreactivity of the airways in asthma.
K F Chung
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 657–662.
PMCID: PMC460425
Effect of infused vasoactive intestinal peptide on airway function in normal subjects.
J B Palmer, F M Cuss, J B Warren, M Blank, S R Bloom, and P J Barnes
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 663–666.
PMCID: PMC460426
Airway response to methacholine during exercise induced refractoriness in asthma.
H Magnussen, G Reuss, and R Jörres
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 667–670.
PMCID: PMC460427
Influence of knowledge of peak flow on self assessment of asthma: studies with a coded peak flow meter.
C M Higgs, R B Richardson, D A Lea, G T Lewis, and G Laszlo
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 671–675.
PMCID: PMC460428
Effect of sleep deprivation on overnight bronchoconstriction in nocturnal asthma.
J R Catterall, G B Rhind, I C Stewart, K F Whyte, C M Shapiro, and N J Douglas
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 676–680.
PMCID: PMC460429
Rapid diagnosis of sputum negative miliary tuberculosis using the flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope.
P A Willcox, P D Potgieter, E D Bateman, and S R Benatar
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 681–684.
PMCID: PMC460430
Pulmonary tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis.
E G Wilkins, R J Griffiths, and C Roberts
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 685–687.
PMCID: PMC460431
Short duration combination chemotherapy in the treatment of small cell lung cancer.
A J Dorward, S W Banham, A W Hutcheon, S Ahmedzai, D Cunningham, A Gregor, M Soukop, B H Stack, N S Mackay, and S B Kaye
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 688–691.
PMCID: PMC460432
Avoidance of patent anterior grafts at revisional coronary artery surgery: use of a lateral thoracotomy approach.
W S Walker and C T Sang
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 692–695.
PMCID: PMC460433
Pulmonary haemodynamics of the yak, cattle, and cross breeds at high altitude.
I S Anand, E Harris, R Ferrari, P Pearce, and P Harris
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 696–700.
PMCID: PMC460434
Non-respiratory symptoms of acute asthma.
J Shneerson
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 701–702.
PMCID: PMC460435
Low dose methotrexate pneumonitis in rheumatoid arthritis.
S Louie and G A Lillington
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 703–704.
PMCID: PMC460436
Prevalence of bronchial reactivity to inhaled methacholine in New Zealand children.
R D Clifford and S T Holgate
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 705–706.
PMCID: PMC460437
MR Sears
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 705–706.
PMCID: PMC460438
Proceedings of the British Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 707–736.
PMCID: PMC460442
Book Notices
Recommended Health Based Limits in Occupational Exposure to Selected Mineral Dusts (Silica, Coal)
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 706.
PMCID: PMC460439
Inhaled Aerosol Bronchodilators
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 706.
PMCID: PMC460440
Surgical pathology of the thymus: 20 years' experience
Thorax. 1986 September; 41(9): 706.
PMCID: PMC460441
Corrects:S R Large, et al. Surgical pathology of the thymus: 20 years' experience. Thorax. 1986 January; 41(1): 51–54.
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