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Volume 40(5);  May 1985
The alveolar macrophage.
R M du Bois
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 321–327.
PMCID: PMC460062
Plombage in the 1980s.
M P Shepherd
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 328–340.
PMCID: PMC460063
Laser therapy in 100 tracheobronchial tumours.
M R Hetzel, C Nixon, W M Edmondstone, D M Mitchell, F J Millard, E M Nanson, A A Woodcock, C E Bridges, and A M Humberstone
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 341–345.
PMCID: PMC460064
Cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer.
R Stuart-Harris, R M Fox, D Raghavan, A S Coates, D Hedley, J A Levi, R L Woods, and M H Tattersall
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 346–350.
PMCID: PMC460065
A simple, inexpensive urine test of smoking.
H Peach, G A Ellard, P J Jenner, and R W Morris
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 351–357.
PMCID: PMC460066
Ceftazidime compared with gentamicin and carbenicillin in patients with cystic fibrosis, pulmonary pseudomonas infection, and an exacerbation of respiratory symptoms. British Thoracic Society Research Committee.
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 358–363.
PMCID: PMC460067
Changes in ventilation and its components in normal subjects during sleep.
J R Stradling, G A Chadwick, and A J Frew
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 364–370.
PMCID: PMC460068
Thoracoscopic, histological, and clinical findings in nine case of rheumatoid pleural effusion.
P Faurschou, D Francis, and P Faarup
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 371–375.
PMCID: PMC460069
Bronchiectasis and oligospermia: two families.
P B Davis, V S Hubbard, and A J Garvin
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 376–379.
PMCID: PMC460070
Pulmonary changes in congenital heart disease with Down's syndrome: their significance as a cause of postoperative respiratory failure.
S Yamaki, T Horiuchi, and T Takahashi
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 380–386.
PMCID: PMC460071
Mechanical ventilation for acute postoperative respiratory failure after surgery for bronchial carcinoma.
C J Hirschler-Schulte, B S Hylkema, and R W Meyer
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 387–390.
PMCID: PMC460072
A study of swallowing difficulties in first degree relatives of patients with achalasia.
J F Mayberry and M Atkinson
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 391–393.
PMCID: PMC460073
Late complication of plombage thoracoplasty.
M Ashour, I A Campbell, V Umachandran, and E G Butchart
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 394–395.
PMCID: PMC460076
Bronchocentric granulomatosis associated with seropositive polyarthritis.
H H Berendsen, N Hofstee, P D Kapsenberg, D R van Reesema, and J J Klein
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 396–397.
PMCID: PMC460077
Extrathoracic lymph node aspiration in bronchial carcinoma.
M S Phillips and V Barker
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 398.
PMCID: PMC460078
Nifedipine enhances the bronchodilator effect of salbutamol.
M R Miller
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 399.
PMCID: PMC460079
Paul Corris and John Gibson
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 399.
PMCID: PMC460080
Comparative trial of two non-sedative H1 antihistamines, terfenadine and astemizole, for hay fever.
B J Freedman
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 399.
PMCID: PMC460081
Stephen Holgate
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 399.
PMCID: PMC460082
Nedocromil sodium: a new drug for the management of bronchial asthma
WB Grant
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 400.
PMCID: PMC460084
S Lal
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 400.
PMCID: PMC460085
Book Notices
Mediastinal tumors and pseudotumors: diagnosis, pathology and surgical treatment
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 393.
PMCID: PMC460074
Current therapy of respiratory disease 1984-1985
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 393.
PMCID: PMC460075
Relative intakes of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide from cigarettes of different yields
Thorax. 1985 May; 40(5): 400.
PMCID: PMC460086
Corrects:N J Wald, et al. Relative intakes of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide from cigarettes of different yields. Thorax. 1984 May; 39(5): 361–364.
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