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Volume 39(3);  March 1984
Histological classification of lung cancer.
D Lamb
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 161–165.
PMCID: PMC459751
Alveolar carcinoma: a review.
C W Edwards
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 166–174.
PMCID: PMC459752
Diagnosis of lung cancer by fibreoptic bronchoscopy: problems in the histological classification of non-small cell carcinomas.
M T Chuang, A Marchevsky, A S Teirstein, P A Kirschner, and J Kleinerman
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 175–178.
PMCID: PMC459754
Atopy, immunological changes, and respiratory function in bronchiectasis.
M B Murphy, D J Reen, and M X Fitzgerald
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 179–184.
PMCID: PMC459758
Cutaneous vasculitis and immune complexes in severe bronchiectasis.
A M Hilton, P S Hasleton, A Bradlow, B C Leahy, K M Cooper, and M Moore
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 185–191.
PMCID: PMC459759
Coughs cause systemic blood flow.
J M Cary, R Krugmeier, B Newman, B Ross, and J Butler
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 192–195.
PMCID: PMC459760
Serum amyloid A protein and C-reactive protein levels in pulmonary tuberculosis: relationship to amyloidosis.
F C de Beer, A E Nel, R P Gie, P R Donald, and A F Strachan
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 196–200.
PMCID: PMC459761
Resection of the carina and oesophagus for malignant tumours of the oesophagus or tracheobronchial tree.
T Ikeda, T Sakai, S Sakai, S Kaseda, R Obitsu, and M Iwatsuka
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 201–205.
PMCID: PMC459762
Procarbazine associated alveolitis.
L D Lewis
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 206–207.
PMCID: PMC459766
Immunocytoma (polymorphous subtype IgA/lambda) of the lung.
P Dalquen, F Gudat, H Ohnacker, and A Perruchoud
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 208–210.
PMCID: PMC459767
Congenital obstructive emphysema of the left lung associated with a mediastinal lymphatic cyst.
D W Man, S T Donell, F Raafat, and H B Eckstein
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 211–212.
PMCID: PMC459768
Bilateral pneumothoraces and pleural effusions in rheumatoid lung disease.
W V Evans
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 213–214.
PMCID: PMC459769
Premedication for fibreoptic bronchoscopy
GFA Benfield
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 214.
PMCID: PMC459770
PJ Rees, JG Hay, and JR Webb
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 214–215.
PMCID: PMC459771
Proceedings of the British Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 216–240.
PMCID: PMC459776
Book Notices
Diagnostic Tumour Bibliographies I—Tumours of the Trachea, Bronchus, Lung and Pleura
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 178.
PMCID: PMC459755
Physiology of the Lung
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 178.
PMCID: PMC459756
Methods for Cohort Studies of Chronic Airflow Limitation
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 178.
PMCID: PMC459757
Manual of Pulmonary Surgery
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 205.
PMCID: PMC459763
Thoracic Drainage
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 205.
PMCID: PMC459764
Intensive Care of the Surgical Cardiopulmonary Patient
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 205.
PMCID: PMC459765
A Colour Atlas of Chest Trauma and Associated Injuries
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 215.
PMCID: PMC459773
Pathophysiology and Techniques of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 215.
PMCID: PMC459774
A modified Pearson gastroplasty
Thorax. 1984 March; 39(3): 215.
PMCID: PMC459775
Corrects:K M Reilly, et al. A modified Pearson gastroplasty. Thorax. 1984 January; 39(1): 67–69.
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