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Volume 13(2);  June 1958
Selective Angiocardiography of the Right Heart
S. Holesh and H. M. T. Coles
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 89–96.
PMCID: PMC1018419
Percutaneous Left Ventricular Puncture with Catheterization of the Aorta
H. A. Fleming, E. W. Hancock, B. B. Milstein, and D. N. Ross
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 97–102.
PMCID: PMC1018420
The Peripheral Pattern in the Normal Bronchogram and its Relation to Peripheral Pulmonary Anatomy
Lynne Reid and G. Simon
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 103–109.
PMCID: PMC1018421
The Secondary Lobule in the Adult Human Lung, with Special Reference to its Appearance in Bronchograms
Lynne Reid
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 110–115.
PMCID: PMC1018422
Congenital Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula : A Review of 36 Patients
K. D. Roberts
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 116–129.
PMCID: PMC1018423
Extraperiosteal Plombage in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
F. H. Young
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 130–135.
PMCID: PMC1018424
A Pathological Study of Emphysema of the Lungs with Chronic Bronchitis
Brian E. Heard
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 136–149.
PMCID: PMC1018425
The Pathology and Bacteriology of Resected Tuberculous Lung Lesions after Chemotherapy
D. J. Cotter, H. M. Foreman, and R. M. E. Seal
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 150–158.
PMCID: PMC1018426
The Gastro-oesophageal Junction in Infancy: A Combined Cineradiographic and Manometric Study
I. J. Carré and R. Astley
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 159–164.
PMCID: PMC1018427
A Method of Treating Infundibular Pulmonary Stenosis
A. Temesvári
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 165–168.
PMCID: PMC1018428
Electrophoretic Analysis of Serous Pleural Effusions
A. J. Taylor
Thorax. 1958 June; 13(2): 169–172.
PMCID: PMC1018429
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