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Volume 6(4);  December 1951
Observations on the Normal Anatomy of the Bronchial Arteries
L. Cudkowicz and J. B. Armstrong
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 343–358.
PMCID: PMC1018387
The Anatomy and Applied Anatomy of the Mediastinal Fascia
Paul Marchand
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 359–368.
PMCID: PMC1018388
Pneumonectomy with Immediate Thoracoplasty in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Gordon Cruickshank and El Papamichael
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 369–374.
PMCID: PMC1018389
Pulmonary Resection for Tuberculosis in Children
Colin A. Ross
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 375–388.
PMCID: PMC1018390
Rupture of the Oesophagus
Betty Vivian Slesser
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 389–396.
PMCID: PMC1018391
The Surgical Treatment of Bronchial Fistulas After Lung Resection for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Olivier Monod, George Babou, and Jean Lo
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 397–402.
PMCID: PMC1018392
Thoracic Chordoma
G. G. Crowe and P. B. Ll. Muldoon
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 403–407.
PMCID: PMC1018393
Bronchography in Children
M. Bates, I. C. W. English, H. M. Foreman, and T. M. Wilson
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 408–416.
PMCID: PMC1018394
The Importance of Sleeping Posture in the Spread of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
W. H. Helm
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 417–425.
PMCID: PMC1018395
Chronic Diffuse Interstitial Fibrosis of the Lungs
A. G. Heppleston
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 426–432.
PMCID: PMC1018396
A Study by an Open Circuit Method of the Intrapulmonary Mixture of Inspired Air
Margaret R. Becklake
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 433–441.
PMCID: PMC1018397
Thorax. 1951 December; 6(4): 442–454.
PMCID: PMC1018398
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