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Volume 2(4);  December 1947
Giant Bullous Cysts of the Lung
P. R. Allison
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 169–175.
PMCID: PMC1018244
Mediastinal Cysts of Bronchial Origin
P. R. Allison
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 176–195.
PMCID: PMC1018245
Treatment of Broncho-Pulmonary Suppuration by Local Injection of Penicillin: Report of 63 Cases
H. Metras and J. Lieutier
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 196–202.
PMCID: PMC1018246
Complete Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava with Chronic Mediastinitis in a Case of Generalized Actinomycosis
J. P. D. Mounsey
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 203–205.
PMCID: PMC1018247
Radiotherapy in Cancer of the Thoracic Oesophagus
J. A. C. Fleming
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 206–215.
PMCID: PMC1018248
The Results of Thoracoplasty in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
T. Holmes Sellors
Thorax. 1947 December; 2(4): 216–223.
PMCID: PMC1018249
Journal Matter
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