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@pandaran @epodcaster thanks for having me on your show tonight - was fun-sorry I got caught wandering around some tangents - good questions
@gilliebee I dont see it as a problem at all, I see it is as people trying to tell others the equivalent of 'how to pray' - its personal
@wallywatcher thanks for coming out - am very happy to have the opportunity to say hello to our friends in Australia - no worries here
@hkremer I am doing pulled pork - need about 20 pounds of good old pig butt
need to reply to lots of folks, but really tired and still need to complete two docs for deadlines - so that is the focus next
getting ready for super bowl party on SUN - I have to prep to the morrow, the bbq sauce, the dry rub and the fried pickle batter & brownies!
tweet @docstoc if you want to be featured for free on Docstoc in their new Category Spotlight Feature -
@kpkfusion and if people are more noise then signal or more self promotion the market (aka user choice) takes care of that
Btw - Twitter follow must be broken - am 2500% positive I followed @joeduck and several others in past few days who I'm not following today
@joeduck when I subscribed to read fast company I didn't expect them to read everything I wrote. I built relationships & offered value
@joeduck the important equality to consider is in respecting each others personal preferences for using social tools as they choose
Do you have any suggested questions for my upcoming interview with Hugo award winning author & futurist David Brin about future of society?
RT @upwithtweeple Today is the only day that matters so make the most of it, not toast with it.The outcome is determined by your attitude
@johnbattelle its more then an API, its what I have been calling the "Conversational Loop" and thinking about its foundational functionality
just thinking how cool it would be if we had a tool to connect Dopplr with Gcal with to automatically suggest who we had meals with
Sun just came up over Oakland hills - beautiful
@johnabyrne thinking "it will recover, it always does" is going to cost people who dont shift the lens through which they see the world
@jangles good morrow
getting ready to talk to @deswalsh and @mrees and the rest of the crew down under launching @socialmediaclub Australia, Gold Coast rt now :)
Does anyone know where I can find episodes of Project Runway Canada online?


davegray Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca Brian Walsh Wayne Sutton Ross Nitin Borwankar tedr Dave McClure Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Hillary Hartley Scott Beale David Crow Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson seth goldstein Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters Christine Herron Glenda Kaustubh Srikanth Michael Sippey joshua schachter Joanne Wan randy stewart Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller brady forrest Scott Rafer
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