NIH - Environmental Management System NIH - Environmental Management System
NIH - Environmental Management System

Energy Aspect
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Energy NEMS AspectThe NIH is committed to using natural resources responsibly and that includes our use of energy. As the largest user of energy in Montgomery County, we play an important leadership role in energy conservation and the use of alternative and renewable energy sources. Our energy use is primarily in the forms of natural gas and electricity to operate and heat and cool our facilities. We also use fuel in our vehicle fleet and our employees use it to commute to work.

Since most energy is generated from burning fossil fuels, this leads to contaminants in the air that cause asthma and other respiratory diseases. Burning fossil fuel also releases carbon dioxide – the gas primarily responsible for global warming. By conserving energy in our laboratories and other buildings and by efficiently producing energy through an on-site cogeneration system, we are limiting our harm to the environment as well as lowering our energy bills. This allows us to commit more of our budget to our core mission.

The NIH manages energy through several programs:

  • The NIH Transportation Program which provide alternatives to single-use automobile commuting,
  • Fleet Management which includes the use of alternative fuels in all NIH vehicles,
  • Sustainable Buildings which includes the design and building of energy saving elements such as green roofs.
  • The Energy Conservation Program which helps our employees contribute to energy savings by keeping them aware of energy issues and providing them training and tools to reduce their energy use.
  • On-site Generation with a cogeneration system
  • The purchase of energy from renewable sources

Programs in place to protect and conserve energy

Energy Conservation Program
Fleet Management
Transportation Program

Related References and Links

Photo of trees at NIH
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