Kenny TimberWolf Gardner was born in Craig, Alaska, to the Eagle tribe, Frog clan. He is the great grandson of Chief Thomas Skulka, the last chief of chiefs of the Haida Nation and signer of the declaration making Indians US citizens. Kenny is a traditional Native spiritual leader and the first in three generations to carry the Haida Shaman Ceremonial Spiritual Healing Pipe.

The other side of his family comes from the Village of Ft Yukon, Alaska and is from the Athabascan Nation of People.

He is the President/CEO of TimberWolf Journeys, which provides cultural diversity training, logistical and organizational consulting. Kenny is the owner/operator of Alaska TimberWolf Tours and Limo LLC Company. Kenny has conducted over 3,500 Traditional & Blessing Ceremonies in Alaska for different tribes, corporations, non profits, churches, state and federal agency’s, hotels, private sector, UAA, local and national conferences and various sporting events.

Kenny implemented Sweat lodges in five states and in federal prisons. He organized the Traditional Blessing and grand opening of Alaska Native Heritage Center. Kenny built a traditional Athabascan Steam house for Alaska Prison system and has performed over 4000 ceremonial sweats in and out of Alaska. He also designed and built Anchorage’s largest Indian Steam House. He has written and designed a program for youth using the four direction approach to healing, shares his culture and spirituality with Alaska Children Services and public schools in and out of Alaska, and he performs many other projects that the Creator has placed at his feet to help teach the people.

Kenny currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dinlishla (a group of traditional healing doctors and healers in Alaska), is Vice President of the MADD board of directors, Director of MADD Youth in Action Program, and a member of Bridge Builders of Anchorage, Commonwealth North. He is also a Member of Alaska Native Brotherhood, Anchorage Mayor Kitchen cabinet, Alaska Native Veterans Fairbanks chapter.

TH = traditional healer.