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Medical and Scientific Personnel


About the Management Intern Program

The NIH Management Intern Program was established in 1957. The Program has graduated over 400 interns since its inception. The NIH currently has 50 former interns on staff. The Program offers highly motivated NIH employees an opportunity to explore different administrative fields, gain invaluable insight into the NIH, and change careers. Graduates have become some of NIH's most respected administrative managers. Former interns are currently in a variety of NIH occupations, including Executive Officers and Administrative Officers, Budget Officers and Analysts, Deputy Director of Legislation and Legislative Analysts, Program and Management Analysts, Grants and Contract Management Specialist, Writer/Editor, Public Affairs Specialists, Human Resource Management Specialists, EEO Officer and Specialists and Information Technology Specialist.

This is a Program that has a 50-year history of developing leaders!

The Management Intern Program (MI) offers outstanding NIH employees the opportunity to explore different administrative career fields, gain invaluable insight into the NIH, and to attain future administrative, leadership positions.

Schedule of MI Information Sessions
Management Intern Information Sessions are designed to familiarize prospective interns with information from different perspectives. A member of the Administrative Training Committee (ATC) will talk about the program in general, who qualifies and review the application process. The MI extern will discuss the interview process, orientation and rotational assignments. Also present during the information sessions are current MIs who share their experiences as they progressed through the interview process and their rotation assignments.

MI Application and Program Deadlines
The NIH MI application interview process begins in February and concludes in June. The vacancy announcement is usually posted in February and closes in March. From there, qualified applicants participate in a written exercise. Those making it through the written exercise participate in the group exercise. Next, the finalists are determined.

Eligibility alert

You must meet the specific NIH Management Internship Program Eligibility requirements to apply for the program. Click here to find out more.

For additional information, please contact  the program manager listed below:

Ms. Cheronn Collins
Phone: 301-496-6211
Fax: 301-480-3197

MI/PMF Program Manager
National Institutes of Health
Workforce Support and Development Division
6120 Executive Boulevard, Suite 350
Rockville, MD 20852