
Five-Factor Screener: Computed Variables

NOTE: The dietary variables provided here are in their natural units. For most analyses, however, they must be transformed first, to approximate normal distributions. For fruits, vegetables, and dairy, use the square-root transformation; for fiber and added sugar, use the cube-root transformation; for calcium, use the quarter-root transformation. After analyses, the result variables can be back-transformed for easier interpretation.

The computed diet variables for the 2005 NHIS Five-Factor Screener are available for download in two formats -- SAS transport and comma-separated values (CSV). The files include the following variables:

  • FV - Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of fruits and vegetables per day
  • FVAdj - Adjusted Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of fruits and vegetables per day
  • FVNoFF - Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of fruits and vegetables excluding French fries per day
  • FVNoFFAdj - Adjusted Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of fruits and vegetables excluding French fries per day
  • FCE - Cup equivalents of fruits (2005 definition) per day
  • FCEAdj - Adjusted cup equivalents of fruits (2005 definition) per day
  • FVCE - Cup equivalents of fruits and vegetables (2005 definition) per day
  • FVCEAdj - Adjusted cup equivalents of fruits and vegetables (2005 definition) per day
  • FVCENoFF - Cup equivalents of fruits and vegetables except French fries (2005 definition) per day
  • FVCENoFFAdj - Adjusted cup equivalents of fruits and vegetables excluding French fries (2005 definition) per day
  • VCE - Cup equivalents of vegetables (2005 definition) per day
  • VCEAdj - Adjusted cup equivalents of vegetables (2005 definition) per day
  • VCENoFF - Cup equivalents of vegetables excluding French fries (2005 definition) per day
  • VCENoFFAdj - Adjusted cup equivalents of vegetables excluding French fries (2005 definition) per day
  • Fiber - Fiber (gm) per day
  • FiberAdj - Adjusted fiber (gm) per day
  • Dairy - Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of dairy per day
  • DairyAdj - Adjusted Pyramid servings (1992 definition) of dairy per day
  • Calcium - Calcium (mg) per day
  • CalciumAdj - Adjusted calcium (mg) per day
  • Sugar - Added sugar (tsp) (1992 definition) per day
  • SugarAdj - Adjusted added sugar (tsp) (1992 definition) per day
  • HHX - Household identifier
  • FMX - Family serial number
  • FPX - Person number (in family)

The datasets are sorted in ascending order by the ID variables HHX, FMX, and FPX. All numeric variables have been rounded to the nearest 0.000001.

  • Comma-separated Values File (2.6 MB) - This zip file contains the comma-separated values file, which includes 25 variables, 31,428 records, and an additional record for the variable names.
  • SAS Transport File (4.0 MB) - The SAS transport file includes 31,428 records and 15 variables. To access the SAS dataset, unzip the file, then use proc cimport. For example:
    proc cimport file='nhis2005dietvars.08-15-2007.v8x' data=dietvars;
  • SAS Program - This is the SAS program that created the dataset. This is just for reference; there should be no need to run this program.

Last modified:
22 Aug 2007
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