National Cancer Institute

Cancer Control and Population Sciences - NCI's bridge to public health research, practice and policy

Advanced Training Institute on Health Behavior Theory

2nd Annual Advanced Training Institute on Health Behavior Theory

June 19-26, 2005

Fluno Center for Executive Education
601 University Avenue
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53715


The Advanced Training Institute on Health Behavior Theory (ATI) is a 7-day intensive learning course for new or early investigators. Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, the ATI is designed to offer in-depth instruction on the use, development, and evaluation of health behavior theory. While it is recognized that all health behaviors occur within a social, cultural, and political context, the ATI primarily will focus on the individual level of analysis and examine theories that are designed to explain and predict individual health and screening behaviors. The focus will be on the proper use of theories and on theory testing rather than on either a comprehensive review or evaluation of current theories. Through the use of lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and mentoring exchanges with faculty, attendees will be encouraged to build upon and expand their own research interests in health behaviors.


The primary objective of the ATI is to allow attendees to extend their knowledge of and experience with the conceptual, methodological, and statistical underpinnings of health behavior theories.


  • Neil Weinstein, PhD, Departments of Human Ecology and Psychology, Rutgers University and the Department of Behavioral Science, Arizona School of Public Health
  • Alexander Rothman, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
  • Barbara Curbow, PhD, Department of Health Policy and Management; Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Susan Curry, PhD, Institute for Health Research and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago

There will also be visiting faculty in attendance during different sections of the institute. Visiting faculty include: Karen Emmons, Harvard University; Gilbert Gee, University of Michigan; Don Hedeker, University of Illinois at Chicago; Robin Mermelstein, University of Illinois at Chicago; and Daniel Stokols, University of California at Irvine.

Who Can Apply

The institute is open to applicants from all academic disciplines. Participants will have a varity of degrees, including degrees in Psychology, Medicine, Nursing, Sociology, Social Work, and a variety of specializations within Public Health.

A Ph.D. or equivalent degree must be received prior to the start of the institute. Preference is given to applicants early in their careers. Nearly all participants were at the Post-Doctoral or Assistant Professor level.

In order to ensure that all participants have some grounding in the issues to be covered in the Institute, we require that all students have taken a minimum of one graduate-level behavioral science course and one graduate-level course in statistics.

Participants must be U.S. citizens. It is not possible to pay your own way in lieu of being accepted through the application process.

For more information, see the application and frequently asked questions sections.

Institute Size

The institute is expected to accept 25 applicants.

Endorsements and Sponsorship

Sponsor: National Cancer Institute, Behavioral Research Program

Endorsements: Society for Behavioral MedicineAmerican Psychological Association, Division 38


The cost to each applicant is $400. The institute provides travel from your local airport to and from the Madison, Wisconsin meeting site, lodging and all meals, and instruction.

Contact Us

For any additional information about the course or the application process, please contact:

Mr. Andrew Hertel
Phone: 612-624-0507


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