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Bridging the Gap between Behavioral Science and Consumer Health Technologies

December 10th, 2007
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
NIH Main Campus, Bldg. 10, Masur Auditorium
Bethesda, Maryland

We live in a period of unparalleled scientific and technologic opportunity. The pace at which we accumulate new knowledge and engineer advanced systems has never been so great, and it is making possible unprecedented opportunities to accelerate progress in healthcare and healthcare delivery. As we work to take full advantage of these evolving opportunities, it is increasingly important to integrate research, science, and technology as effectively as possible.

In that vein, we invite you to attend the NCI-sponsored meeting, “The Future: Consumer Health Information Technology,” where leaders from three of the largest Information Technology (IT) companies will discuss how they see consumer technologies changing the face of healthcare, healthcare delivery, and personal health management.

Looking to the future, learn how connective technologies can enable the delivery of timely, tailored, scalable health solutions to a broad range of consumers, and explore how such novel applications may speed the translation and dissemination of research into routine, representative practice.

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Shen's photo
Intel Digital Health,
Chief Healthcare Strategist

Digital Health Care
Bosworth's photo
Google Health,
Former Director
Crounse's photo
Microsoft, Director

Worldwide Health

Please explore the site to learn more about this exciting event and our exemplary speakers!


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