

Author(s):   Millen AE, Dodd KW, Subar AF

Title:   Use of vitamin, mineral, nonvitamin, and nonmineral supplements in the United States: The 1987, 1992, and 2000 National Health Interview Survey results

Journal:   J Am Diet Assoc

Date:   2004 Jun

Abstract:   OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in use of specific vitamin and mineral (VM) supplements. DESIGN: The nationally representative National Health Interview Survey queried adult respondents about their use of VM supplements in 1987, 1992, and 2000.Statistical analysis Trends in use of VM supplements from 1987 to 2000 were determined using linear contrasts. RESULTS: The percentage of adults using any VM supplement daily increased from 23.2% (1987) to 23.7% (1992) to 33.9% (2000). This pattern was consistent for both sexes, all race/ethnic groups, and adults aged >or=25 years. The increase in the percentage of daily users of multivitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E was 10.5, 1.2, and 7.3 percentage points, respectively, from 1987 to 2000. Increases in daily use of vitamin C (3.3 percentage points) and calcium (6.1 percentage points) occurred between 1992 and 2000. All trend analyses were significant at P<.001. In the 2000 National Health Interview Survey personnel queried the use of nonvitamin/nonmineral supplements for the first time. At that time, 6.0% of respondents reported using them daily. CONCLUSION: The increasing trend in supplement use over time and the notable use of nonvitamin/nonmineral supplements in 2000 indicates the continued need to monitor the use of all types of dietary supplements for purposes of dietary surveillance and nutrition-related research

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