

Author(s):   Marcus AC, Crane LA

Title:   Smoking behavior among US Latinos: an emerging challenge for public health

Journal:   Am J Public Health

Date:   1985 Feb

Abstract:   In this paper we review evidence on smoking and lung cancer among Latinos, including findings from several unpublished studies and technical reports. Recent surveys of smoking behavior in California, Texas, and New Mexico indicate a notable sex difference in smoking among Latinos, with Latino males smoking at least as frequently as White males, while Latino females report smoking rates considerably lower than White females. Our analysis of the 1979 and 1980 National Health Interview Surveys corroborates this finding and also indicates that this pattern holds true for subgroups of the Latino population, including country of origin. Taken together, these findings suggest that among Latino males rates of lung cancer and other cigarette-linked diseases may increase in the near future

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