

Author(s):   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health

Title:   Cigarette smoking among adults--United States, 1993

Journal:   MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep

Date:   1994 Dec 23

Abstract:   The annual prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults in the United States declined 40% during 1965-1990 (from 42.4% to 25.5%) (1) but was virtually unchanged during 1990-1992 (2). To determine the prevalence of smoking among adults, smoker interest in quitting, and the prevalence of cessation (i.e., quit ratio) among adults during 1993, the Year 2000 Health Objectives Supplement of the 1993 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS-2000) collected self-reported information about cigarette smoking from a random sample of civilian, noninstitutionalized adults aged > or = 18 years. This report presents the prevalence estimates for 1993 and compares them with estimates from the 1992 Cancer Epidemiology Supplement and presents 1993 estimates for smoker interest in quitting completely and the prevalence of cessation among ever smokers

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