

Author(s):   Clark MA, Rakowski W, Ehrich B

Title:   Breast and cervical cancer screening: associations with personal, spouse's, and combined smoking status

Journal:   Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev

Date:   2000 May

Abstract:   The objective of this study was to examine the association of women's cancer screenings with both personal and spouses' smoking status, as well as with the broader context of household smoking, in a United States national-level sample of women aged 42-75 years. Data were from the 1994 National Health Interview Survey Health Promotion Supplement. The sample included 1586 women who reported they were married and living with a spouse in a two-person household. Three measures of smoking status were used: personal smoking status, smoking status of spouse, and household smoking status (self and spouse smoked, spouse only smoked, self only smoked, and both nonsmokers). Using logistic regression modeling, associations were examined between the smoking status measures and three cancer screening indicators: mammogram < or =2 years, clinical breast exam < or =2 years, and Pap test < or =3 years. The both nonsmokers group consistently had the highest screening rates for all three exams. The spouse only smoking group was 10-12% less likely to obtain all three cancer screening tests compared to the both nonsmokers group. The self and spouse group was less likely to report a recent mammogram and clinical breast exam. The self only group did not differ significantly from the both nonsmokers group on any of the cancer screening measures. Results suggest that smoking status of a spouse may be an important correlate of women's cancer screenings

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