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Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium

The Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium (CanCORS) aims to improve ways of monitoring the quality of care delivered to patients newly diagnosed with lung or colorectal cancer. CanCORS investigators are examining patterns of care, health outcomes, costs, and patient-centered issues such as symptom control and quality of life. Another aspect of the study measures costs associated with different treatment strategies. Five CRN sites jointly comprise one of the seven Primary Data Collection and Research sites, and collectively the CRN sites contribute data to CanCORS on a total of 2,000 out of the total expected 10,000 patients with these two cancers. With such a large number of diverse patients being treated at different kinds of delivery systems spread across the country, a particular focus is to track variations in care, with an eye toward reducing disparities and ensuring universally excellent care.

The CanCORS Web site has additional information about the research process and participating grantees.

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