Diet History Questionnaire: Keyboard Data Entry
It is possible to use a data entry system as an alternative to printing scannable forms and using scanners to capture the data. However, the steps involved in coding and keying the data may be costly and error-prone. If your organization has effective data entry capabilities then you may consider this as an alternative.
Data Entry Systems Used by DHQ Users
The DHQ Technical Support does not have information about specific data entry programs. However, tips regarding data entry that have been submitted by other users of the DHQ will be posted on this page.
If you would like to submit information regarding your experience with the DHQ, please contact the technical support staff. If you would like to share information with other researchers, please join the DHQ LISTSERV mailing list.
- Derek Morgan of the Washington University School of Medicine developed a SAS/AF application that allows you to enter the data or administer the DHQ from the computer with a subject.
DHQ Forms for Use with Keyboard Entry
The files listed below contain the 2007 NCI version of the DHQ. Coding information is printed on the forms as a convenience for keypunching the codes. These files are not recommended for use if you are scanning the instrument. If you have already begun a study using the previous version of
the DHQ that had the years in the Today's Date box go up to 2006,
you can continue using those forms in 2007, but will need to make appropriate changes to the coding and keying process.
DHQ-1 2007 Files for Keypunch |
- all files |
The contents of the zip file are:
- Questionnaire
- Coding Information
- Questionnaire Data Dictionary:
The files below are for researchers who have already conducted a study using the DHQ1.2002. If you are beginning a new study, use the DHQ1.2007 files in the above table.
DHQ-1 2002 Files for Keypunch | - all files |
The contents of the zip file are:
- Questionnaire (English)
- Coding Information
- Questionnaire Data Dictionary
A nutrient database is installed with the Diet*Calc software. Occasionally, updates to the nutrient database are made. Verify that you are using the current version of the nutrient database in your analysis.