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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2003Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Aligning Representations of Anatomy Using Lexical and Structural Methods
Zhang S , Bodenreider O
Proc. AMIA Symposium. 2003 Nov;:753-757.
Objective: The objective of this experiment is to develop methods for aligning two representations of anatomy (the Foundational Model of Anatomy and GALEN) at the lexical and structural level. Methods: The alignment consists of the following four steps: 1)acquiring terms, 2) identifying anchors (i.e., shared concepts) lexically, 3) acquiring explicit and implicit semantic relations, and 4) identifying anchors structurally. Results: 2,353 anchors were identified by lexical methods, of which 91% were supported by structural evidence. No evidence was found for 7.5% of the anchors and 1.5% received negative evidence. Discussion: The importance of taking advantage of implicit domain knowledge acquired through complementation, augmentation, and inference is discussed.