Diet History Questionnaire: Database Utility Program
If you need to modify the standard nutrient database, a single nutrient value must be provided by
gender and portion size. If you have modified the database to have fewer or greater demographic groups,
nutrient values must be included for each group. For most users, creating nutrient values using the method
described in Development of the DHQ Database may not be possible. Therefore, the database for the DHQ provides a mean gram weight for each
database food. This can be used in conjunction with a conventional nutrient value of units/100g to create new
values to be modified or added to the DHQ.
The Database Utility, a separate program installed with Diet*Calc,
allows you to import nutrient data into the Diet*Calc food database.
The utility converts nutrient values expressed as nutrient per 100 grams
into the nutrient per serving size format required by Diet*Calc. Once you
download and install the Diet*Calc software, you can access both the Diet*Calc
analysis and utility programs through the Windows Start menu.